====== Pajek: 2 mode, temporal, multirelational networks ====== * relations are:normal stays, loans and trials * {{:book:temp:private:ana:ch4:pajek_2mode_imag.net|pajek_2mode_imag.net}} -- all players, all stays, imaginary stays of less than 93 days are deleted (the previous stay is prolonged for that time) * {{:book:temp:private:ana:ch4:pajek_2mode_EPL.net|pajek_2mode_EPL.net}} -- all players (imaginary stays considered as before) with just the stays from 1 before EPL to the last EPL stay (this is the network to produce hierarchy of clubs, to explain the hypothesis about "predatory moves") * {{:book:temp:private:ana:ch4:country.clu.zip|country.clu.zip}} -- countries for players (nationality) and clubs (partition) * Explanations: {{:book:temp:private:ana:ch4:pajek2mode_explanations.docx.zip|Word explanations with table of times for seasons}}