{{pics:logo.png?200}} {{pics:skip.png?180}} {{pics:Cost2.jpg?200}} {{pics:skip.png?20}} {{pics:eu2.jpg?90}} ====== News 2017 ====== ===== January 10, 2017 ===== Message: Dear fellow statistical networkers, Most of you will have started to go back to work again yesterday (at least, I did!) and so let me take this opportunity to wish you all a productive 2017! Having started well in 2016 with our excellent Ribno confrence, we have an active statistical network year ahead of us and I want to make you aware of a few things: - Deadline of STSM applications is tomorrow. For some this may be rather soon, and so we will still accept applications until Sunday. Remember that the travelling person has to be the applicant and the ONLY THING NEEDED is that s/he is enrolled in e-COST (in one of the 27 associated countries) and that travel is completed by the end of April. S/he does not have to be enrolled in COSTNET. Make sure to send the application also to Veronica Vinciotti, our STSM coordinator (veronica.vinciotti@brunel.ac.uk). Details on https://e-services.cost.eu/STSM. - WINTERSCHOOL Statistical Network Science, 7-10 March 2017. There are still some funded places available (travel + accommodation!). Encourage early career researchers (PhDs + postdocs + assistant professors) to apply (or apply yourself!). Details on http://www.eurandom.tue.nl/events/workshops/2017/SEMSTAT/SEMSTAT_index.html. - Our website has arrived at its final destination: https://costnet.webhosting.rug.nl/. Thanks Vlado and Claire! From now on we will use this portal to collect COSTNET information. Still work to do, but watch this space. On the website there will also be way to give job announcements. Until this time, I will abuse this space for one opportunity: - Assistant professor vacancy FOR WOMEN ONLY (but depending on experience, associate or full professor may also be available) at the University of Groningen. The position can be in Mathematics and/or Computer Science. I would recommend statistical networkers to apply for the Mathematics job, but obviously decide given your background. Details on http://www.rug.nl/fwn/organization/vacatures/vacatures/rff/. On behalf of the whole core MC team (Gesine, Goeran, Iris, Veronica, Steffen, Clelia, Arnoldo, Nusa, Vlado and Claire), I wish you all the best for 2017 and look forward to meeting you all soon at some statistical networking event. Best,\\ Ernst\\ Chair COSTNET \\ ====== ====== [[..:..:costnet|CostNet]]