====== Description of networks ====== - types of networks (ordinary, two-mode, multi-relational, temporal, collections and sequences) and their description - additional data structures (vectors, partitions, permutations, hierarchies, ...) - libraries to work with networks (NetworkX, igraph, snap, NetworKit, ...) - data formats (pajek, json, graphML, ...) - existing network data bases; input and output routines - special descriptions: molecules, GED, ...; examples - degrees, fitting, Erdos-Renyi networks, scale-free networks, Dunbar number, large networks - try it yourself; summary * [[test02|Tests]] * [[refs02|Resources]] * list of links * list/dictionary of lists/dictionaries of neighbors (isolated nodes, parallel links, weights, properties; topology, sorted) efficiency of operations, space requirements/consumption * multi-relational (multiplex), two-mode, temporal * operations: fis - first in second table - union, intersection Example: 5 people communication events