====== netsJSON ====== On February 26, 2019 renamed from netJSON to netsJSON because the collision with http://netjson.org/rfc.html. * [[notes:urls:json|JSON URLs]] * [[vis:eusn16|EUSN 2016 workshop]], Paris 2016. * [[https://github.com/bavla/Graph/tree/master/JSON|Examples]] * [[notes:vlado:js|JSON and netD3.js]] ===== Description of networks ===== * csv Network description Size of the network N = (V,L,P,W) list of nodes (V,L) list of links (L,W) id, label, name=key Small Large * JSON ===== netsJSON ===== ==== Informal description of the basic netsJSON format ==== { "netsJSON": "basic", "info": { "org":1, "nNodes":n, "nArcs":mA, "nEdges":mE, "simple":TF, "directed":TF, "multirel":TF, "mode":m, "network":fName, "title":title, "time": { "Tmin":tm, "Tmax":tM, "Tlabs": {labs} }, "meta": [events], ... }, "nodes": [ { "id":nodeId, "lab":label, "x":x, "y":y, ... }, *** ] "links": [ { "type":arc/edge, "n1":nodeID1, "n2":nodeID2, "rel":r, ... } *** ] } where ''...'' are user defined properties and ''***'' is a sequence of such elements; and an event description can contain fields: { "date": date, "title": short description, "author": name, "desc": long description, "url": URL, "cite": reference } [[notes:net:json:exbasic|Example of a basic netsJSON description]] [[pajek:data:temp:caviar|Caviar]] - [[notes:net:tq:caviar|TEN -> netsJSON]] ==== general netsJSON ==== * types of network data * Pajek2netsJSON ===== Main URLs ===== * http://gojs.net/latest/index.html * http://elijahmeeks.com/networkviz/ *