====== PyNet ====== [[notes:urls:py|Python URLs]] ====== Network analysis using Python ====== by Vladimir Batagelj [[notes:py:pynet:chap|Chapters]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch01|Preface]] - [[notes:py:pynet:Description of networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch03|Visualization of networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch04|Creating networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch05|Understanding connectivity]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch06|Important parts of networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch07|Shortest paths]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch08|Networks from text]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch09|Crawling the web]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch10|Clustering in networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch11|Acyclic networks]] - [[notes:py:pynet:ch12|Postscript]] ====== Private ====== ===== Introduction ===== - networks - types of networks and their description - additional data structures (vectors, partitions, permutations, hierarchies, ...) ===== Data ===== - key/label -> number - [[book:pynet:priv:text|text -> network]] - [[book:pynet:priv:trans|transformations]] - random networks - operations Kn, Pn, Cn, Sn, Knm; union, difference, match - solving puzzles, shortest paths (one, all) - neigbors networks: multivariate -> network - BiBTeX -> networks synonims homonims - crawling the WWW, IMDb - genealogies (GED) - molecules - two-mode ===== Structure ===== - degrees, fitting - connectivity, shortest paths - acyclic networks, condensation - [[book:pynet:priv:vis|visualization]] ===== Important parts ===== - measures (centralities and weights), cores, SPC, probability flow - cuts - islands (SPC, main path, CPM) - skeltons (trees, k-neighbors, pathfinder) ===== Multiplication and derived networks ===== - coappearance, - combinations - subnetworks - levels ====== Volume 2 ====== - statistics, triads - optimization, coloring - pattern searching (motifs), - Clustering and blockmodeling - diffusion - inductive definitions - Monte Carlo - simulations - bigdata - spatial networks ====== Volume 3 ====== - temporal networks