====== BibTeX ====== [[http://www.bibtex.org/Using/|Using BibTeX]]; [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX|BibTeX]]; [[https://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne/latex/BIBTEX.HTM|a short guide]]. To use the BibTeX bibliography ''biblio.bib'' we put into ''temporal.tex'' \bibliographystyle{wiley} \bibliography{biblio} After changing the content of ''biblio.bib'' we have to run pdflatex temporal bibtex temporal pdflatex temporal pdflatex temporal The first pdfLaTeX run prepares on the AUX file the list of all references used in the book. BibTeX extracts the corresponding references from the ''biblio.bib'' and stores them in the file ''temporal.bbl''. The second pdfLaTeX run prepares from ''temporal.bbl'' the info about the references and includes it in the book in the third pdfLaTeX run. To convert the standard LaTeX bibliography into BibTeX we can use the service [[http://text2bib.economics.utoronto.ca/|text2bib]] (user: ''vlado'' , pass: ''text2bib''). I put the files ''temporalBib.tex'' and ''biblio.bib'' (bibliographies for Chapter 2 and Chapter 3) in the DropBox. The command, ''\nocite{*}'', includes all entries from the database, whether they are referenced in the document or not. ===== Obtaining BibTeX descriptions ===== For papers indexed in WoS we can get their BibTeX description on WoS. Collected them in a list and export it in plain text format. Use http://www.lagom.nl/latex/i2b/online.html to convert to BibTeX format. For papers related to computer science look at [[http://dblp.uni-trier.de/|DBLP]]. For mathematics see [[https://mathscinet.ams.org/mref/|Math SciNet]] and [[https://zbmath.org/|zbMATH]]. For general papers a very good source is also [[https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en-US|Google scholar]]. At the bottom of pater description click at " and select BibTeX. For books look at [[https://books.google.com|Google books]]. On book's page click on "About this book". On the page with book's details select "BibTeX" at the bottom of the page. * https://abbrv.jabref.org/ * http://www.ottobib.com/ * https://sites.google.com/site/jabrefzentralblatt/ ===== References ===== About BibTeX: * http://www.bibtex.org/ * http://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne/latex/BIBTEX.HTM * http://jabref.sourceforge.net/help/BibtexHelp.php * http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/latex/bibtexstyles.html * http://mathsphd.pbworks.com/f/BibTexTalkv08.pdf * ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/bibtex-info.html * https://www.abinit.org/sites/default/files/infos/8.0/users/bibtex-refs.html Converting text bibliographies into BibTeX: * [[http://text2bib.economics.utoronto.ca/|text2bib]] * http://www.snowelm.com/~t/doc/tips/makebib.en.html * [[http://www.molspaces.com/d_cb2bib-overview.php|cb2bib]], [[http://www.molspaces.com/d_cb2bib-download.php|download]]