====== 2016/17: project 2 ====== Select a network data set from the [[https://icon.colorado.edu/#!/networks|Icon index]]. The selected network should have at least 1000 labeled nodes and, to prevent duplication, **send a reservation to my e-mail**. If the selected network is not in Pajek's format you need first to convert it. For the selected network, using Pajek: * determine basic network characteristics (directed/undirected; weights?; number of nodes, number of links, number of components; largest degree, diameter, acyclic?, ...). * draw the degree (in directed also indegree and outdegree) distribution. List 20 nodes of largest degree. * determine the most important nodes. * determine some interesting subnetworks of your network and draw them. Interpret the results. Write a report. ===== Selected networks ===== - Andrej Srakar: American Physical Society academic graph - Daria Malceva: Scientific collaborations in network science (2006) - Dunja Rosina: Python Dependency Network - Tanja Knific: Yeast interactome (2003)