====== Code Rnet 2 ====== ===== Iris data ===== k.neighbor2Net <- # stores network of first k neighbors for # dissimilarity matrix d to file fnet in Pajek format. function(fnet,d,k){ net <- file(fnet,"w") n <- nrow(d); rn <- rownames(d) cat("*vertices",n,"\n",file=net) for (i in 1:n) cat(i," \"",rn[i],"\"\n",sep="",file=net) cat("*arcs\n",file=net) for (i in 1:n) for (j in order(d[i,])[1:k+1]) { cat(i,j,d[i,j],"\n",file=net) } close(net) } data(iris) ir <- scale(iris) rownames(ir) <- paste(substr(iris[,5],1,2),1:nrow(iris),sep="") k.neighbor2Net("iris5.net",as.matrix(dist(ir)),5) ===== Edinburgh associative thesaurus ===== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following vectors read: v1 : All Degree of N2 (23219) v2 : Input Degree of N2 (23219) v3 : Output Degree of N2 (23219) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > t1 <- table(v1); t2 <- table(v2); t3 <- table(v3) > x1 <- as.numeric(names(t1)); x2 <- as.numeric(names(t2)); x3 <- as.numeric(names(t3)) > y1 <- as.vector(t1); y2 <- as.vector(t2); y3 <- as.vector(t3) > plot(x1,y1,log='xy',pch=16,cex=0.7,main="alldegree distribution in eatSR") > points(x2,y2,pch=16,cex=0.7,col="blue") > points(x3,y3,pch=16,cex=0.7,col="red") {{ru:hse:rnet18:pic:eatsr.png}} \\ [[ru:hse:rnet|Rnet]]