{{sda:pics:sda2-small.png?150}} ====== Payment ====== Due to the changes in taxation system in Slovenia we prefer the Money order option. Because of additional costs the PayPal option is 10 € more expensive. The payment for dinners for accompanying persons will be possible only in cash at the registration desk upon arrival. The dinners should be reserved in some participant's registration form. ===== Money order (in €) ===== Please send the money order for appropriate amount (150 € before June 1, 2017; 190 € from June 1, 2017 on /per participant) to: **Statistical Society of Slovenia**, \\ **''Street:''** Litostrojska cesta 54 \\ **''City:''** Ljubljana \\ **''Post code:''** SI - 1000 \\ \\ **''Reference:''** "SDA workshop 2017", \\ **''Bank:''** Nova Ljubljanska banka d. d., podruznica Siska - Bezigrad, \\ **''IBAN:''** SI56- 02044-0014028186 \\ **''SWIFT CODE:''** LJBASI2X \\ **''VAT ID:''** SI70879117 ===== Credit card (via PayPal)===== You can pay the fee also with your credit card. We are using credit card payments provided by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use this option. Simply click the Pay with debit or credit card at the bottom of the splash screen that will open and proceed with the credit card details option. Your payment will be confirmed with automatic e-mail sent by PayPal. Click the Pay Now button.
===== Participants from Slovenia ===== Za zaposlene iz javnega sektorja v Sloveniji, ki bi plačali preko naročilnice, to poteka preko elektronskih računov in v tem primeru mora ustanova izdati naročilnico na naslov Statističnega društva z davčno številko (VAT SI70879117). Statistično društvo Slovenije,\\ Litostrojska cesta 54\\ 1000 Ljubljana,\\ NLB 02044-0014028186,\\ referenca "SDA workshop 2017". \\ \\ [[sda:meet:lj17|Back to SDA'17]]