[[:TQ|TQ]] [[tq:ug|User guide]] ====== Drawing ====== The drawing procedure ''plotTime'' is implemented in R because it supports different output formats. The Python procedure will provide additional options. It has the following parameters ''plotTime(L,tMin,tMax,times,lTimes,wMax,file="testPic.pdf",step=5,dt=10,h=60,PDF=FALSE,col="red",main="Temporal quantity")'' The data are exchanged between Python and R in the JSON format. For example: we first store selected temporal quantities in Python into a dictionary ''tqs'' and save it to a file ''tqs.json'' in JSON format. >>> tqs = {} >>> tqs['a'] = a >>> tqs['b'] = b >>> tqs['s'] = s >>> tqs['p'] = p >>> import json >>> with open('tqs.json',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(tqs,f,indent=2) >>> Afterward in R, we read the dictionary and draw selected temporal quantities. > wdir <- 'C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/temporal' > setwd(wdir) > source("C:\\Users\\batagelj\\work\\Python\\temporal\\plotTime.R") > library(rjson) > T <- fromJSON(file="tqs.json") > names(T) [1] "p" "a" "s" "b" > p <- T[[1]] # or p <- T$p > a <- T[[2]] > tMin <- 1; tMax <- 21; lTimes <- as.character(tMin:tMax) > times <- c(1,5,10,15,20); wMax <- 10 > plotTime(a,tMin,tMax,times,lTimes,wMax,h=100,main='a') > plotTime(p,tMin,tMax,times,lTimes,wMax,h=100,main='p') > plotTime(p,tMin,tMax,times,lTimes,wMax,h=100,main='p',file='p.pdf',PDF=TRUE) Note: we could store in T also variables tMin, tMax, lTimes, times, wMax, etc. {{tq:pics:p.pdf}}
[[:TQ|TQ]] [[tq:ug|User guide]] [[tq:ug:TQ|<<<]] [[tq:ug:file|>>>]]