====== Italian students mobility - entire network ====== Clusterings: {{https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/raw/master/examples/students/PallDendro.pdf|Provinces}}, {{https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/raw/master/examples/students/UallDendro.pdf|Universities}}, {{https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/raw/master/examples/students/PgallDendro.pdf|Programs}}

SVG viewer

Use the mouse position to select a location and the wheel to zoom in/out
Olympics relational core


This is a 3D layout using X3DOM.
Use the mouse to navigate the space - rotate, ctrl+mouse to move, mouse wheel to zoom in/out, ...

Click a link (cube) for its identification (Province, University, Program, weight)!