====== Cuisine ====== > wdir <- "C:/Users/vlado/DL/data/hyper/cooking/cat-edge-Cooking" > setwd(wdir) > C <- read.csv("hyperedge-label-identities.txt",header=FALSE) > head(C) V1 1 korean 2 russian 3 vietnamese 4 filipino 5 brazilian 6 indian > N <- read.csv("node-labels.txt",header=FALSE) > head(N) V1 1 ginger paste 2 sea salt 3 shortbread 4 chocolate 5 puffed rice 6 harissa > T <- read.csv("hyperedge-labels.txt",header=FALSE) > head(T) V1 1 16 2 9 3 4 4 6 5 6 6 19 > L <- readLines("hyperedges.txt") > head(L) [1] "5930\t3243\t3671\t252\t2291\t1910\t4243\t2095\t5046" [2] "1979\t1810\t4799\t5176\t3494\t836\t4905\t5565\t2454\t3689\t5990" [3] "4905\t2291\t4799\t2387\t2440\t5635\t6530\t3311\t3013\t4578\t4335\t5965" > length(L) [1] 39774 > length(T$V1) [1] 39774 > as.integer(unlist(strsplit(L[1],"\t"))) [1] 5930 3243 3671 252 2291 1910 4243 2095 5046 > m <- length(T$V1) > lab <- paste("e",1:m,sep="") > H <- data.frame(ID=lab,T=T$V1,E=rep(NA,m)) > dim(H) [1] 39774 3 > E = vector(mode="list",m) > for(i in 1:m) E[[i]] <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(L[i],"\t"))) > H$E <- E > n <- length(N$V1); V <- data.frame(ID=N$V1) > info <- list(network="cat-edge-Cooking", + title="ARB: cat-edge-Cooking dataset", + by="Austin R. Benson", + href=c("https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~arb/data/", + "https://www.kaggle.com/c/whats-cooking"), + creator="V. Batagelj", + date=date(), + nNodes=n, + nLinks=m, + simple=NA ) > data <- list(cuisine=C$V1) > HN <- list(format="hypernets",info=info,nodes=V,links=H,data=data) > str(HN) List of 5 $ format: chr "hypernets" $ info :List of 9 ..$ network: chr "cat-edge-Cooking" ..$ title : chr "ARB: cat-edge-Cooking dataset" ..$ by : chr "Austin R. Benson" ..$ href : chr [1:2] "https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~arb/data/" "https://www.kaggle.com/c/whats-cooking" ..$ creator: chr "V. Batagelj" ..$ date : chr "Wed Oct 18 04:46:56 2023" ..$ nNodes : int 6759 ..$ nLinks : int 39774 ..$ simple : logi NA $ nodes :'data.frame': 6759 obs. of 1 variable: ..$ ID: chr [1:6759] "ginger paste" "sea salt" "shortbread" "chocolate" ... $ links :'data.frame': 39774 obs. of 3 variables: ..$ ID: chr [1:39774] "e1" "e2" "e3" "e4" ... ..$ T : int [1:39774] 16 9 4 6 6 19 17 20 7 20 ... ..$ E :List of 39774 .. ..$ : int [1:9] 5930 3243 3671 252 2291 1910 4243 2095 5046 .. ..$ : int [1:11] 1979 1810 4799 5176 3494 836 4905 5565 2454 3689 ... .. ..$ : int [1:12] 4905 2291 4799 2387 2440 5635 6530 3311 3013 4578 ... .. ..$ : int [1:4] 4910 5990 4215 4799 .. ..$ : int [1:20] 3240 1327 345 4447 678 2524 3689 4335 4799 6428 ... .. .. [list output truncated] $ data :List of 1 ..$ cuisine: chr [1:20] "korean" "russian" "vietnamese" "filipino" ... > write(toJSON(HN),"Cooking.json")