====== Truncated co-appearance networks ====== June 17, 2023 The basic idea is that the total fractional contribution of an author a is his/her weighted degree in the normalized network n(WA). We can limit our attention to authors with a total fractional contribution larger than a given threshold t (for example 1 or 0.1). Note that the author's weighted degree in the normalized network n(WA) is equal to the author's weighted degree in the co-authorship network Ct = t(n(WA))*n(WA). * [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=vlado:work:lnk:toy|Toy example]] * V. Batagelj: Weighted degrees and truncated derived bibliographic networks [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.04726|arXiv]]