====== 2023 ====== A list of my published papers is at http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=vlado:pub:papers - Matveeva, N., Batagelj, V., Ferligoj, A.: Scientific collaboration of post-Soviet countries: the effects of different network normalizations. Scientometrics (2023). [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-023-04752-z|paper]] - Doreian, P., Ferligoj, A., Batagelj, V.: Blockmodeling, Positions and Roles. Chapter 29 in John McLevey, John Scott and Peter J. Carrington: The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Second edition, p. 404-416. [[https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/the-sage-handbook-of-social-network-analysis/book277881#contents|Sage]] 2023. - Batagelj, V.: Clustering and Blockmodeling Temporal Networks - Two Indirect Approaches. In: Paula Brito, José G. Dias, Berthold Lausen, Angela Montanari, Rebecca Nugent (eds.) Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age. Proceedings of IFCS 2022, Porto. Springer 2023, [[https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09034-9_8|paper]], [[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-09034-9|book]]. - Danijel Skočaj, Damjan Strnad, Marko Robnik Šikonja, Vladimir Batagelj, Ivan Bratko, Matjaž Divjak, Peter Rogelj, Marko Bizjak, Boštjan Slivnik, Tanja Fajfar: Terminološki slovar s področja umetne inteligence. Amebis, Kamnik 2023 [[https://www.termania.net/slovarji/601/Terminoloski_slovar_s_podrocja_umetne_inteligence|on-line]] Accepted: - Batagelj, V., Ferligoj, A., Doreian, P.: Network clustering. ID (stat08434).[[https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118445112|Wiley StatsRef-Statistics Reference Online]] (2023). - Batagelj, V.: Razvoj diskretne matematike v Sloveniji. in Tadej Bajd, Drago Kladnik, Andrej Seliškar, eds.: Zbornik za zgodovino naravoslovja in tehnike, zvezek 18, Slovenska matica, Ljubljana 2024 - Batagelj, V., Brito, P., Diday, E., Duarte Silva, A. P., Korenjak-Černe, S., Dobša, J., Verde, R.: New skills in Symbolic Data Analysis for Official Statistics. Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics, 2024. This year I participated in the following conferences: - [[https://cros-legacy.ec.europa.eu/content/NTTS2023_en|NTTS 2023]] – Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics, Bruxelles, 6-10 March 2023. Vladimir Batagelj, Exactly mergeable summaries [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pub:pdf:NTTS23.pdf|slides]]. [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.15465|ArXiv]] - [[http://www.hitecaction.org/meetings.php|HiTEc Working Groups Meeting]], 3-5 April 2023, Poseidonia Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus. Vladimir Batagelj, On the structure of the network of European airports and airlines [[https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/blob/master/docs/airportsHiTEc.pdf|slides]]. [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14313|ArXiv]] - [[http://www.hitecaction.org/courses.php|HiTEc Spring Course]], 3-5 April 2023, Poseidonia Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus. Vladimir Batagelj, Introduction to the analysis of multiway networks [[https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/blob/master/docs/multiwayHiTEc.pdf|slides]]. - [[https://conf.hse.ru/en/2023/|Yasin-23]], HSE, April 4–14, 2023, online/Zoom (April 11) Vladimir Batagelj, Analysis of multiway networks. - Lecture at University of Trieste, Zoom, 30 May 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Introduction to the analysis of multiway networks. - Lecture at FRI, Ljubljana, 25 May 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Introduction to the analysis of multiway networks. - [[https://igraph.org/workshop.html|Workshop on sustainability of network analysis software]], 21-22 June, 2023, University Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands. - [[https://www.insna.org/events/mwnets---an-r-package-for-the-analysis-of-multiway-networks|Sunbelt 2023]] Online Workshop, Zoom, June 24, 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: MWnets - an R package for the analysis of multiway networks. - [[https://isad.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/summer-school-iii|Spinaker Summer School]], Krakow, Poland, 3-14. July 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Network Analysis in Complex Environment - Analysis of weighted networks. - [[https://anr.hse.ru/en/announcements/846403479.html|ANR-Lab Scientific seminar]], Zoom, July 17, 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Multiway networks - new type of networks and the possibilities of their analysis. - [[http://www.compstat2023.org/programme.php|Compstat 2023]], 22-25 August 2023, University of London, Birkbeck, London. Vladimir Batagelj: Analysis of weighted temporal networks represented by time slices. [[https://github.com/bavla/wNets/blob/main/Docs/compstat23.pdf|slides]] - [[https://eusn2023.org/|EUSN 2023]] The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, Ljubljana, 4-8 September 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Cores in multiway networks [[https://github.com/bavla/ibm3m/blob/master/docs/VB_EUSN23.pdf|slides]]; Nataliya Matveeva, Vladimir Batagelj: Co-authorship networks of leading young universities: are they similar? - [[https://sites.google.com/view/eysm2023|23rd EYSM]] 23rd European Young Statisticians Meeting, virtually in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-15 September 2023. Batagelj, V.: Analysis of bibliographic networks. [[https://github.com/bavla/biblio/blob/master/doc/VB_EYSM23.pdf|slides]] - [[https://as.mf.uni-lj.si/|AS 2023]] 19th Applied Statistics 2023 international conference, University of Primorska, Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia, September 24–26, 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: 3D visualization of multiway networks [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=vlado:work:2m:mwn:vb_as23.pdf|slides]] - [[https://indico.mathos.hr/event/4/|27th YSM]] 27th Young Statisticians Meeting, September 29, 2023 to October 1, 2023, School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Osijek, Croatia - [[http://www.efos.unios.hr/pozvano-predavanje-prof-dr-sc-ferligoj-i-prof-dr-sc-batagelja/|EFOS]] Pozvano predavanje prof. dr. sc. Ferligoj i prof. dr. sc. Batagelja, Osijek, 2 September 2023. Vladimir Batagelj: Introduction to bibliographic network analysis. [[https://github.com/bavla/biblio/tree/master/doc|slides]] - [[https://sda2018.wixsite.com/sda2023paris|9th Symbolic Data Analysis Workshop SDA 2023]] 2-4 November 2023, CNAM, Paris. Vladimir Batagelj: Clustering of mixed symbolic data based on cluster leaders / (Sub)sets [[https://github.com/bavla/SDA/blob/main/docs/VB_SDA23.pdf|slides]]. Organizational activities - Scientific Advisory Committee member: International Conference Applied Statistics 2023. September 24–26, 2023. Koper, Slovenia [[https://as.mf.uni-lj.si/pdf/as2023book.pdf|SAC page 4]] - Scientific Committee member: 9th Symbolic Data Analysis Workshop SDA 2023. 2-4 November 2023, CNAM, Paris. [[https://sda2018.wixsite.com/sda2023paris|SC]] I have some papers in the review process [[https://arxiv.org/a/batagelj_v_1.html|arXiv]]. Vladimir Batagelj [[http://porocila.imfm.si/|IMFM]], [[https://cris.cobiss.net/ecris/si/sl/researcher/4275|Sicris]], [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=H68hVhMAAAAJ|Google scholar]], [[https://openalex.org/authors/A5001676164|OpenAlex]]. [[2024]]; [[2022]]