====== Block modeling ====== Message: There are other types of BM besides structural eqv. ===== Outline ===== - Introduction - Overview (Batagelj, Doreian, Ferligoj) * bibliometric analysis of BM + network clustering - Theory (Batagelj) * equivalences * connectivity * condensation * matrix reorderings * complexity - Matrix visualization (Fekete) - Modularity & (Schaub +) - Label propagation approach (Šubelj) - Stochastic BM - Stability (Žnidaršič, Ferligoj, Doreian) - Valued BM (Žiberna) - Signed (Doreian, Mrvar) - Two-mode, Multiway BM - Efficient algorithms for BM (Brusco, Doreian, Steinley) - Large BM - Temporal BM - Other * Overlapping * Noncomplete - Applications overview - Example 1 - Example 2 - Example - biology (proteins, genom) To consider as contributors: Borgatti, Everett, Breiger, Tragg, Lazega. [[refs|Resources]]