====== 2017/18 Winter ====== Govorilne ure po dogovoru:
| ^ ponedeljek ^ torek ^ sreda ^ četrtek ^ petek ^ ^ 8 | | | | | | ^ 9 | | | | | | ^ 10 | | | | | | ^ 11 | | | | | | ^ 12 | | | | | | ^ 13 | | | | | | ^ 14 | Seminar ZMZ | | | | | ^ 15 | PS | | | | | ^ 16 | | | | | | ^ 17 | | [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=pajek:ev:pd:p18|Analiza]] | | | | ^ 18 | | omrežij | [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=vlado:pub:sreda|Sredin seminar]] | | | ^ 19 | | 3.12 | 2.02 | | | \\ ===== Travel / Activities ===== ^ Date ^ Time ^ Place ^ Event ^ Deadline ^ ^ September 2019 ||||| ^ 9.-12.9.2019 | | Switzerland | Zurich, [[https://www.eusn2019.ethz.ch/|EUSN]] | | ^ 2.-13.9.2019 | | Turkey | Antalya, [[http://www.ipsa.org/page/ipsa-summer-school-antalya|IPSA-ABU Summer School]] | | ^ June 2019 ||||| ^ 18.-23.6.2019 | | Canada | Montreal, [[http://insna.org/|INSNA]] | | ^ April 2019 ||||| ^ 16.-14.4.2019 | | Cyprus | Limassol, [[http://www.cronosaction.com/|CRoNoS]] | | ^ February 2019 ||||| ^ 16.-17.2.2019 | | Germany | Giessen, [[http://www.cronosaction.com/|CRoNoS]] | | ^ October 2018 ||||| ^ 18.-20.10.2018 | | Portugal | Viana do Castelo, [[https://sda2018.wixsite.com/ipvc|SDA]] | ? | ^ 15.-16.10.2018 | | UK | London, [[http://www.peere.org/|Peere]] | ? | ^ 12.-14.10.2018 | | Hungary | Balatonfüred, [[http://ysm2018.eu/|YSM'18]] | ? | ^ 30.9.-12.10.2018 | | Russia | Moscow, NRU HSE | | ^ September 2018 ||||| ^ 26.-29.9.2018 | | Polska | Warsaw, [[http://costnet18.wzim.sggw.pl/|CostNet]] | ? | ^ 23.-26.9.2018 | | Slovenia | Ribno, [[http://conferences.nib.si/AS2018/default.htm|Applied Statistics]] | ? | ^ August 2018 ||||| ^ 28.8.-2.9.2018 | | Romania | Iasi, [[http://www.compstat2018.org/index.php|COMPSTAT]] + CRoNoS | 30.4.2018 | ^ July 2018 ||||| ^ 4-6.7.2018 | | Russia | St Petersburg, [[http://ngw.spbu.ru/about|NetGloW]] Principles behind Structures | 15.1.2018 | ^ June 2018 ||||| ^ 26.6.-1.7.2018 | | The Netherlands | Utrecht, [[https://sunbelt.sites.uu.nl/|Sunbelt]] XXXVIII INSNA Conference | 1.2.2018 | ^ May 2018 ||||| ^ 23.5.-11.6.2018 | | Russia | Moscow, NRU HSE | | ^ April 2018 ||||| ^ 3.-5.4.2018 | | Cyprus | Limassol, [[http://|CRoNoS]] | | ^ March 2018 ||||| ^ 7-9.3.2018 | | Italy | Rome, [[http://www.peere.org/conference/conference-submission/|PEERE Conference]] on peer review 2018 | 15.1.2018 | ^ January 2018 ||||| ^ 25.1.2018 | | Slovenija | Ljubljana, [[|NetSlo'18]] | | ^ 21-24.1.2018 | | France | Paris, [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=sda:meet:pa18|SDA]] Data Science: New Data, New Paradigms | | ^ December 2017 ||||| ^ 6-8.12.2017 | | France | Bordeaux, [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/melancon/doku.php?id=research:advisorship|LaBRI]] Phd defense Jason Vallet | | ^ November 2017 ||||| ^ 5-27.11.2017 | | Russia | Moscow, [[https://www.hse.ru/en/|NRU Higher School of Economics]] | | ^ October 2017 ||||| ^ 24-29.10.2017 | | Spain | Palma de Mallorca, [[http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15109|CostNet]] | | ^ 13-15.10.2017 | | Croatia | Zagreb, [[http://vladowiki.fmf.uni-lj.si/doku.php?id=events:ysm17:index|22nd Young Statisticians Meeting]] | |