Workshop Description

The literature on social networks has devoted considerable attention to methods for collecting network data. It has yet to reach consensus in many areas. However, more effort is needed to publicize best practices and disseminate them to applied researchers. The insufficient coverage stems from numerous sources, including conceptual challenges, the structural complexity of network data, and issues of sensitivity and confidentiality surrounding relational data. This subject is far from being codified and there are still many open problems. The workshop on Social Network Data Collection aspires to focus attention on network data collection, to encourage contact and collaboration among scholars pursuing research about it, and to develop foundations to improve data collection methods.

The workshop treats topics including: modes of data collection, mixed methods for network data collection, survey methods (network questions and constructing network questionnaires), automated data collection on the internet, assessing data quality (reliability and validity), treatment of non-response and incomplete data, and new data collection data collection approaches.

The QMSS2 2011 workshop Social Network Data Collection will take place at the hotel Tartini in Piran in Slovenia from 26 to 28 May, 2011.