January 6, 2017

Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:28:03) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================

*** WoS2Pajek 1.4
by V. Batagelj, May 21, 2015 / March 23, 2007

WoS2Pajek parameters
WoS  dir:  C:\Users\batagelj\work\Python\WoS
ML   dir:  c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\MontyLingua-2.1\Python
Proj dir:  C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM
WoS file:  C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM/BM.wos
MaxNum  :  500000
step    :  100
ISI name:  0
clean   :  True
keywords:  [True, True, True, False]
titles  :  True
index   :  True

****** MontyLingua v.2.1 ******
***** by hugo@media.mit.edu *****
Lemmatiser OK!
Custom Lexicon Found! Now Loading!
Fast Lexicon Found! Now Loading!
Lexicon OK!
LexicalRuleParser OK!
ContextualRuleParser OK!
Commonsense OK!
Semantic Interpreter OK!
Loading Morph Dictionary!

started: Fri Jan  6 18:10:04 2017

>>>  Hits for the query
>>>  "block model*" or "network cluster*" or "graph cluster*" or
>>>  "community detect*" or "blockmodel*" or "block-model*" or
>>>  "structural equival*" or "regular equival*"
>>>  collected from Wos by Vladimir Batagelj, January 6, 2017
>>>  http://home.izum.si/izum/ft_baze/
>>>  -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>  1-500
100 : LI_E(1990)63:277  -  2017-01-06 18:10:05.564000
200 : DOWD_P(1993)102:A95  -  2017-01-06 18:10:07.084000
300 : ROBINSON_R(1995)100:18229  -  2017-01-06 18:10:08.685000
400 : KLEIN_W(1997)78:3793  -  2017-01-06 18:10:10.365000
500 : ANDERSON_C(1999)21:37  -  2017-01-06 18:10:12.275000
>>>  501-1000
600 : BABENKO_L(2001)2127:186  -  2017-01-06 18:10:14.095000
4800 : NAGAHATA_Y(2016)120:1961  -  2017-01-06 18:11:18.599000
4900 : CORNELI_M(2016)192:81  -  2017-01-06 18:11:20.262000
Common sense violated! Correcting...
Common sense violated! Correcting...
Common sense violated! Correcting...
5000 : MOEN_E(2016)16:132  -  2017-01-06 18:11:21.932000
>>>  5001-5166
5100 : ZALESKY_A(2016)142:397  -  2017-01-06 18:11:23.780000
>>>  End of hits
5166 : LI_L(2017)63:1  -  2017-01-06 18:11:24.890000
>>> End of processing of WoS file
number of works      =  108035
number of authors    =  59278
number of journals   =  12063
number of keywords   =  12618
number of records    =  5166
number of duplicates =  8
clean WoS data  : clean.WoS
works + titles  : titles.csv
works index file: vtxIndex.txt

*** FILES:
year of publication partition: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\Year.clu
described / cited only partition: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\DC.clu
number of pages vector: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\NP.vec
citation network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\Cite.net
works X journals network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WJ.net
works X keywords network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WK.net
works X authors  network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WA.net
finished: Fri Jan  6 18:11:30 2017
time used:  0:01:25.898000

Close console?

Add dodatek.txt from 2015

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================

*** WoS2Pajek 1.4 
by V. Batagelj, May 21, 2015 / March 23, 2007

WoS2Pajek parameters
WoS  dir:  C:\Users\batagelj\work\Python\WoS
ML   dir:  c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\MontyLingua-2.1\Python
Proj dir:  C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM
WoS file:  C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM/BM.wos
MaxNum  :  500000
step    :  250
ISI name:  0
clean   :  True
keywords:  [True, True, True, False]
titles  :  True
index   :  True

****** MontyLingua v.2.1 ******
***** by hugo@media.mit.edu *****
Lemmatiser OK!
Custom Lexicon Found! Now Loading!
Fast Lexicon Found! Now Loading!
Lexicon OK!
LexicalRuleParser OK!
ContextualRuleParser OK!
Commonsense OK!
Semantic Interpreter OK!
Loading Morph Dictionary!

started: Fri Jan  6 22:20:40 2017

>>>  Hits for the query 
>>>  "block model*" or "network cluster*" or "graph cluster*" or
>>>  "community detect*" or "blockmodel*" or "block-model*" or
>>>  "structural equival*" or "regular equival*"
>>>  collected from Wos by Vladimir Batagelj, January 6, 2017
>>>  http://home.izum.si/izum/ft_baze/
>>>  -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>  1-500
250 : ESPANOL_P(1994)50:227  -  2017-01-06 22:20:43.825000
500 : ANDERSON_C(1999)21:37  -  2017-01-06 22:20:48.035000
>>>  501-1000
750 : SHEVCHEN_M(2003)36:A9  -  2017-01-06 22:20:52.353000
1000 : FIELD_S(2006)28:97  -  2017-01-06 22:20:56.467000
Common sense violated! Correcting...
5000 : MOEN_E(2016)16:132  -  2017-01-06 22:21:56.990000
>>>  5001-5166
>>>  additional
>>>  add 2
5250 : BAK_P(2002)88:178501  -  2017-01-06 22:22:01.036000
>>>  add 3
>>>  add 4
>>>  add 5
>>>  End of hits
5472 : HEIDER_F(1946)21:107  -  2017-01-06 22:22:03.207000
>>> End of processing of WoS file
number of works      =  112114
number of authors    =  60419
number of journals   =  12271
number of keywords   =  12715
number of records    =  5472
number of duplicates =  62
clean WoS data  : clean.WoS
works + titles  : titles.csv
works index file: vtxIndex.txt

*** FILES:
year of publication partition: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\Year.clu
described / cited only partition: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\DC.clu
number of pages vector: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\NP.vec
citation network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\Cite.net
works X journals network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WJ.net
works X keywords network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WK.net
works X authors  network: C:/Users/batagelj/work/Python/WoS/BM/BM\WA.net
finished: Fri Jan  6 22:22:08 2017
time used:  0:01:28.446000

Close console?