Table of Contents

JoME manual

This document provides a short introduction to the LaTeX class JoME supporting the preparation of papers in LaTeX for a journal Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Its first version was produced in October-March 2017 by Vladimir Batagelj.

The class JoME is based on LaTeX2e class article with options twoside and twocolumn. To modify some article's settings it uses packages inputenc[utf8], fontenc[T1], titlesec[pagestyles], helvet[scaled=0.95], fancybox, float, latexsym, url, caption, mdframe, xcolor, crop, and mathptmx.

Head of the paper

The class JoME introduces three new environments for formatting the head of the paper (title, authors, abstract, keywords and highlights):

Typical structure of the head of the paper is as follows:

... Abstract
\svKeywords{key word 1, key word 2, key word 3, ... }
\item ... highlight 1
\item ... highlight 2
\item ... highlight 3

Additional elements of the head are determined in front of \begin{document} by the following commands:

For example:

\svTitle{Title of the paper}
Author's Name Surname\svMark{1,*}  - Co-author's Name Surname\svMark{2} \\
\svAffil{1}{Author's institution} \\
\svAffil{2}{Co-Author's institution}

The command:

Additional commands (\svSV, \svCorr, \svDates, \svCyear, \svDOI, \svType) determine the content of running head and footer. They are set by the journal editor.

For details see the file template.tex.

Some hints

Tables and pictures across two columns

To get a table or picture across two columns use the environment




Font size in tables

To fit the table to the available space you can try to appropriately set the font size using the commands \fontsize{size}{skip}\selectfont, where size is the font size and skip is the distance between lines, as in the following example

\caption{Table title\label{tabA}}
\begin{tabular} ...


The bibliography can be either included in the paper (see template.tex) or prepared in BiBTeX on a separate file (see templateB.tex and biblio.bib).

If you select the BiBTeX option you need to run the LaTeX file through pdfLaTeX, followed by BiBTeX, followed again by pdfLaTeX (usually twice). BiBTeX requires a bibliographical style phcpc.bst (Computer Physics Communications BibTeX style).


The class JoME is still in development. Questions, comments and requests are to be sent to
