Corrected network measures

London, 11-12. Dec 2015

Ercim 15: Slides

>>> import sys; wdir = 'c:/users/batagelj/work/python/graph/graph'
>>> sys.path = [wdir]+sys.path; import Graph
>>> import os; os.chdir(wdir)
>>> gdir = 'C:/Users/batagelj/Documents/papers/2015/CRoNoS/london/nets/'

>>> T = ""
>>> D = "deg.clu"
>>> N = Graph.Graph.loadPajek(gdir+T)
>>> N.loadPajekVec('deg',gdir+D)
>>> len(N)
>>> n = len(N)
>>> d = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')-1
>>> from copy import copy, deepcopy
>>> P = deepcopy(N)
>>> len(P)
>>> # --- Overlap weight
>>> Tmed = 0
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e
   Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   if Te > 0: Tmed = max(Tmed,min(d[u-1],d[v-1]))
   Td = d[u-1]+d[v-1]-Te
   if Td <= 0:
     over = 0; print(u,v,d[u-1],d[v-1],Te)
   else: over = Te/Td
>>> P.savePajek(gdir+'')
>>> # --- Corrected Overlap weight
>>> print(Tmed)
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e
   Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   if Te > 0:
     Td = Tmed + max(d[u-1],d[v-1]) - Te
     over = Te/Td
>>> P.savePajek(gdir+'')
>>> # --- Clustering Coefficient
>>> E = [0]*n
>>> for v in N.nodes():
   s = 0
   for e in N.edgeStar(v): s = s + N.getLink(e,'w')
   E[v-1] = s/2
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')
>>> Cc = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n):
   if d[i] <= 1: Cc[i] = 0
   else: Cc[i] = 2*E[i]/d[i]/(d[i]-1)
>>> # --- Corrected Clustering Coefficient
>>> cCc = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n):
   if d[i] <= 0: cCc[i] = 0
   else: cCc[i] = 2*E[i]/d[i]/Tmed
>>> P.savePajekVec('cCc',gdir+'CorrClusC.vec')
>>> P.savePajekVec('Cc',gdir+'ClusC.vec')

>>> P = deepcopy(N)
>>> d = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')-1
>>> # --- Overlap weight
>>> Tmed = 0
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e
   Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   if Te > 0: Tmed = max(Tmed,min(d[u-1],d[v-1]))
   Td = d[u-1]+d[v-1]-Te
   if Td <= 0:
     over = 0; print(u,v,d[u-1],d[v-1],Te)
   else: over = Te/Td
>>> # --- Corrected Overlap weight
>>> print(Tmed)
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e
   Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   over = 0
   if Te > 0:
     Td = Tmed + max(d[u-1],d[v-1]) - Te
     over = Te/Td
>>> dat = open(gdir+'overlap.csv','w')
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')
>>> for e in P.links():
   (u,v,k) = e; Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   over = P.getLink(e,'over'); cOver = P.getLink(e,'cOver')
   m = min(d[u-1],d[v-1]); M = max(d[u-1],d[v-1])
>>> dat.close()

I changed to μ = Tmax = max{T(e): e in E}. I had to recompute the corrected measures.

>>> Tmax = 0
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e; Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   if Te > Tmax: Tmax = Te
>>> print(Tmax)
>>> # --- Corrected Overlap weight
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg') - 1
>>> for e in N.links():
   (u,v,k) = e
   Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   over = 0
   if Te > 0:
     Td = Tmax + max(d[u-1],d[v-1]) - Te
     over = Te/Td
>>> P.savePajek(gdir+'')
>>> dat = open(gdir+'overlapMax.csv','w')
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')
>>> for e in P.links():
   (u,v,k) = e; Te = N.getLink(e,'w')
   over = P.getLink(e,'over'); cOver = P.getLink(e,'w')
   m = min(d[u-1],d[v-1]); M = max(d[u-1],d[v-1])
>>> dat.close()

>>> # --- Clustering Coefficient
>>> E = [0]*n
>>> for v in N.nodes():
   s = 0
   for e in N.edgeStar(v): s = s + N.getLink(e,'w')
   E[v-1] = s/2
>>> for i in range(n): d[i] = N.getNode(i+1,'deg')
>>> Cc = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n):
   if d[i] <= 1: Cc[i] = 0
   else: Cc[i] = 2*E[i]/d[i]/(d[i]-1)
>>> # --- Corrected Clustering Coefficient
>>> cCc = [0]*n
>>> for i in range(n):
   if d[i] <= 0: cCc[i] = 0
   else: cCc[i] = 2*E[i]/d[i]/Tmax
>>> P.savePajekVec('cCc',gdir+'CorrClusC.vec')
>>> P.savePajekVec('Cc',gdir+'ClusC.vec')

>>> csv = open(gdir+'ccMax.csv','w')
>>> for i in range(n):
>>> csv.close()

> setwd("C:/Users/batagelj/Documents/papers/2015/CRoNoS/london/nets")
> t <- read.table("overlap.csv",header=TRUE,dec=".",sep=";",
> head(t)
  Te       over      cOver  m   M
1  8 0.47058824 0.06557377 13  14
2  4 0.08695652 0.02515723  5  47
3 30 0.47619048 0.20408163 34  61
4 42 0.60869565 0.29787234 46  67
5 49 0.34027778 0.23786408 56 139
6 33 0.57894737 0.24812030 42  50
> plot(t$over,t$cOver,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="overlap",ylab="corrOverlap")
> plot(t$Te,t$over,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="#triangles",ylab="overlap")
> plot(t$Te,t$cOver,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="#triangles",ylab="corrOverlap")
> plot(t$m/t$M,t$over,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="minDeg/maxDeg",ylab="overlap")
> plot(t$m/t$M,t$cOver,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="minDeg/maxDeg",ylab="corrOverlap")
> plot(t$M,t$over,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="maxDeg",ylab="overlap")
> plot(t$M,t$cOver,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="maxDeg",ylab="corrOverlap")
> plot(t$m,t$over,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="minDeg",ylab="overlap")
> plot(t$m,t$cOver,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Overlap weights",xlab="minDeg",ylab="corrOverlap")

> # Clustering coefficient
> t <- read.table("ccMax.csv",header=TRUE,dec=".",sep=";",
> head(t)
  deg E  Cc    cCc
1   3 3 1.0 0.0250
2   3 3 1.0 0.0250
3   2 1 1.0 0.0125
4   5 6 0.6 0.0300
5   2 1 1.0 0.0125
6   3 3 1.0 0.0250
> plot(t$Cc,t$cCc,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Clustering coefficients",xlab="clusCoef",ylab="corrClusCoef")
> plot(t$deg,t$Cc,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Clustering coefficients",xlab="deg",ylab="clusCoef")
> plot(t$deg,t$cCc,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Clustering coefficients",xlab="deg",ylab="corrClusCoef")
> plot(t$deg,t$E,pch=16,cex=0.7,main="Clustering coefficients",xlab="deg",ylab="#edges")