Table of Contents


Python URLs

Network analysis using Python

by Vladimir Batagelj




  1. networks
  2. types of networks and their description
  3. additional data structures (vectors, partitions, permutations, hierarchies, …)


  1. key/label → number
  2. random networks
  3. operations Kn, Pn, Cn, Sn, Knm; union, difference, match
  4. solving puzzles, shortest paths (one, all)
  5. neigbors networks: multivariate → network
  6. BiBTeX → networks synonims homonims
  7. crawling the WWW, IMDb
  8. genealogies (GED)
  9. molecules
  10. two-mode


  1. degrees, fitting
  2. connectivity, shortest paths
  3. acyclic networks, condensation

Important parts

  1. measures (centralities and weights), cores, SPC, probability flow
  2. cuts
  3. islands (SPC, main path, CPM)
  4. skeltons (trees, k-neighbors, pathfinder)

Multiplication and derived networks

  1. coappearance,
  2. combinations
  3. subnetworks
  4. levels

Volume 2

  1. statistics, triads
  2. optimization, coloring
  3. pattern searching (motifs),
  4. Clustering and blockmodeling
  5. diffusion
  6. inductive definitions
  7. Monte Carlo
  8. simulations
  9. bigdata
  10. spatial networks

Volume 3

  1. temporal networks