ESNA 3 networks

Datasets from the book:
Wouter De Nooy, Andrej Mrvar, Vladimir Batagelj:
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek; Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software.
Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License

CUP; Amazon


i Network n mE mA type
1 Dining-table partners in a dormitory at a New York State Training School 26 10 52 multirelational
2 World trade in miscellaneous manufactures of metal, 1994 80 1000 weighted
3 Visiting ties among families in Turrialba, Costa Rica, 1948
Attiro 60 161 weighted
San Juan Sur 75 199 weighted
4 Sampson's monastery 25 322 weighted temporal
5 Flying teams 48 353 signed
6 Corporate interlocks in Scotland (1904-5) 108+136 356 two-mode
7 Hollywood film music 40+62 192 two-mode
8 Sawmill communication network 36 62 simple
9 Family planning in Korea
10 Informal communication within a sawmill on strike
11 Friendship and unionization in a hi-tech firm
12 Modern math method diffusion
13 Galesburg drug study
14 Visiting ties among families in San Juan Sur, Costa Rica, 1948
15 Galesburg drug study 2
16 Student government discussion network
17 Dutch literary criticism, 1976
18 Ragusan nobility genealogy
19 Centrality literature network
20 Isle of Man genealogies
21 PhD students in computer science
22 Mexican political elite

Complete ESNA 3 data (ZIP)