
August 20, 2018

How to produce pictures of large networks?

[Pajek] xy ratio of draw window

You are right.
You should specify only the total height/width of the Draw window:
Form8.Height 600
Form8.Width 400
and remove the part with ClientWidth and CliendHeight.
When exporting to SVG Form8.Height and Form8.Width are used for the image size.
I needed to change also the next two issues:
Form8.Height 600
Form8.Width 400
Form8.ClientHeight 600
Form8.ClientWidth 400

Unfortunately, the ratio is not kept in the SVG batch export. After the first file is processed, 
the ratio changes to

Form8.Height 678
Form8.Width 416

This can be "seen" when you save the ini back to disk. Is there a way to change this behaviour?
From: Mrvar, Andrej<>
Sent: Sunday, 19 August 2018 14:50

Size of Draw window is (like several other parameters) stored to pajek initialization file (Pajek.ini) 
every time you exit Pajek. You can load this file anytime using
File / Ini File / Load

Or you can generate your own text file xxx.ini containing only the two lines defining the size of
Draw window Form8.ClientHeight 400 Form8.ClientWidth 600 and load it on Pajek start from Pajek menu 
or macro command:
LOADINI "D:\....\???\xxx.ini"
From: Schaff, Frederik []
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2018 13:16
Subject: [Pajek] xy ratio of draw window

is there a way to control the size (ratio) of the draw window? As this size controls how the max(x) max(y) max(z)
transform works, I'd like to fix it (in my case to 400(x) X 600(y) pixels).