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Projects 2017

Alexander Pavlov

Date 13-12-2017 21:44

Good evening!

I am one of the students of MASNA (HSE) group. Attached the link to the homework concerning the EDA course you gave us (

Here is the link to the homework.

Pavlov Alexander


Acceptable, but could be improved in many ways:

  1. the reports in the form of README files are not OK. You need to write a readable report with description of your data, steps of your analysis, commented results and with pictures included. For pictures try to use vector graphics formats. You can include also important (parts of) your code, or reference it if it is very long.
  2. project 1: you have many variables, but you analyzed only two. Add some additional (different) analyses.
  3. project 2: put the dendrogram on A4 landscape, use a vector format, change the font size for labels 0f units to make them readable (no overlapping)
  4. project 3: see 1

Natalia Kraeva

Date 02-01-2018 22:42

Good evening!
Sending you my EDA project. And I also want to reserve network Adolescent health (1994).

Sincerely yours,
Natalia Kraeva
Наталья Краева
HSE, Moscow​



  1. Project 1: Excellent; the “bounding box”/frame on the map of Africa could be selected better.
  2. Project 2: Excellent; in the correlation plot you could reorder the units according to the obtained clustering.
  3. Project 3: Very good; missing comments; I don't understand the picture Density Plot: Trip Duration (page 10); for additional ideas for analysis see:

Elena Beylina

Date 03-01-2018 23:40

Dear Vladimir Batagelj,

In attached you can find the projects for the course Exploratory Data Analysis.

This is thank you again for your course and tell you how much we enjoyed meeting you!

Kind regards,
Beylina Elena

К этому письму приложены ссылки на следующие файлы:

1. (29.5 Мб)

Ссылка для скачивания файлов:


  1. Project 1: Excellent; the temperature scale put over the map is a bit disturbing.
  2. Project 2: Very good; what about clustering the units/terms.
  3. Project 3: Excellent; in some histograms labels are overlapping - use short labels, smaller font size or direction (angle) of the labels.

through away (page 7) → throw away

Anna Sergeeva

Date 04-01-2018 00:59

Project1.rar, Project2.rar, Project3.rar

Dear Professor Batagelj!

I'm submitting you my EDA assignments via e-mail (all the projects are in the attachments below)

I would like to kindly ask you to provide, if possible, any amount of feedback on my assignments. I did my best to do the work as good as I can with the knowledges that I currently have. I'm always willing to learn more and will highly appreciate a feedback (if possible, of course).

Hopefully, my work will not disappoint you completely.

Best regards,

Sergeeva Anna.

С уважением, Сергеева Анна.


  1. Project 1: (Almost) excellent; dissent map → decent map .
  2. Project 2: Very good; scarce comments; only one analysis.
  3. Project 3: (Almost) excellent; don't include long tables (clustering) in the report; in figures the labels of all countries are not displayed - replace names by 2 or 3 character ISO labels.

Stepan Zaretckiy

Date 05-01-2018 02:55

Dear Vladimir,

Unfortunately, I could not meet the deadline for projects for EDA, because of an unexpected contamination of deadlines. It was my fault that I was overconfident when I distributed my studying time. I am very sorry for taking so much of your time.

Here is a link for my Projects:!KMkxEJhZ!fQ_Vax0K4S7enuQ5wVLxqMoRlIH-bSLbHPeVkVQH8LI

Stepan Zaretckii,
With best regards


  1. Project 1: (Almost) excellent: no picture included/displayed in the report.
  2. Project 2: (Almost) excellent: some pictures not displayed in the report.
  3. Project 3: Good: data selection and first steps OK; unfinished project; no picture displayed in the report.

Елизавета Черненко

Date 05-01-2018 13:18

Notes R.pdf

Dear Vlado, I'm writing you about my home assignments in Exploratory Data Analysis.

I failed to do all the projects. I poorly organised my time, as a result I've started working on assignments (both on EDA and SNA) 2 weeks before the deadline. My SNA assignment will be sent to Valentina, I managed to do most of it. But this is not so with EDA.

I've only done the 3rd project, and the analysis done there is very naiive, but I uploaded it to the Dropbox so that you can see that I'm working and can check out the stage of my learning process. I have lots of ideas on analysis not realised there due to my current inability to run this analysis in R.

I ask you to give me a failing grade. This would mean I need to pass a retake, and will allow me to accomplish the undone assignments. I would be very grateful if you give me some additional assignment or just make a reduction in the final grade so that it would be fair to those students who did accomplish the tasks in time.

The reason for that situation is that I have almost no experience in R (and completely no experience in any other programming language). Most of the time during those 2 weeks I devoted to mastering basic commands. Prior to that experience I was only able to copy someone's code into R to see the result.

I've started with 2 coursera courses which helped me to somehow navigate in R.

I've attached some photos of my abstracts created based on them.

С уважением, Елизавета Черненко