Table of Contents

Multivariate visualization

May 4, 2022

Example dataset

> wdir <- "C:/Users/vlado/work2/nusa"
> setwd(wdir)
> S <- read.csv("SiN.csv",sep="",row.names=1)
> dim(S)
> colnames(S) <- c("GDPpc","LifeExp","InfMort","PhysM","Natality","Mortality")
> S
         GDPpc LifeExp InfMort PhysM Natality Mortality
Austria    128      82    3.24  5.17     9.45      9.85
Croatia     65      77    8.74  3.00     8.65     12.88
Italy       97      83    3.16  3.98     6.95     11.31
Hungary     71      77    4.62  3.41     8.65     12.88
Slovenia    87      82    1.52  3.09     8.30     10.40

Andrews' curves


#' Compute Andrews' curves
#' This function takes a numeric vector of input, and returns a function which
#' allows you to compute the value of the Andrew's curve at every point along
#' its path from -pi to pi.
#' @param x input a new parameter
#' @return a function with single argument, theta
#' @examples
#' a <- andrews(1:2)
#' a(0)
#' a(-pi)
#' grid <- seq(-pi, pi, length = 50)
#' a(grid)
#' plot(grid, andrews(1:2)(grid), type = "l")
#' plot(grid, andrews(runif(5))(grid), type = "l")
andrews <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  y <- rep(x[1] / sqrt(2), length(t))

  function(t) {
    for(i in seq(2, n, by = 1)) {
      val <- i %/% 2 * t
      y <- y + x[i] * (if(i %% 2 == 0) sin(val) else cos(val))
    y / n

The standard procedure on CRAN has limited options. I added the parameter clx and the … parameter for controling some graphical parameters. To be improved.

andrews <- function (df, type = 1, clr = NULL, clx = NULL, step = 100, 
    ymax = 10, main = NULL, sub = NULL,...) 
    if (step < 1) 
        step <- 100
    n <- dim(df)[1]
    m <- dim(df)[2]
    if ((type == 1) | (type == 2) | (type == 4)) {
        xmin <- (-pi)
        xmax <- pi
    else if (type == 3) {
        xmin <- 0
        xmax <- 4 * pi
    plot.window(c(xmin, xmax), c(-ymax, ymax), ...)
    title(main = main, sub = sub)
    lines(c(xmin, xmax), c(0, 0))
    for (i in 1:m) df[, i] <- normalize(df[, i])
        clx <- rep(1, n)
        if (!is.null(clr)) {
            if (!is.numeric(df[, clr])) {
                for (i in 1:n) {
                    for (a in 1:nlevels(df[, clr])) 
                        if (levels(df[,clr])[a] == df[i, clr]) 
                            clx[i] <- rainbow(nlevels(df[, clr]))[a]
            else {
                for (i in 1:n) clx[i] <- hsv(0, 1, df[i, clr])
    dfm <- numarray(df)
    m <- dim(dfm)[2]
    coorx <- 0:step
    for (p in 0:step) coorx[p + 1] <- (xmin + (xmax - xmin)/step * p)
    coory <- 0:step
    for (i in 1:n) {
        for (p in 0:step) {
            coory[p + 1] <- 0
            tt <- (xmin + (xmax - xmin)/step * p)
            for (a in 1:m) {
                if (type == 1) {
                  if (a == 1) {
                    coory[p + 1] <- dfm[i, a]/(2^0.5)
                  else {
                    cnst <- (a - 2)%/%2 + 1
                    if ((a - 2)%%2 == 0) 
                      coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, a] * sin(cnst * tt)
                      coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, a] * cos(cnst * tt)
                else if (type == 2) {
                  cnst <- (a - 1)%/%2 + 1
                  if ((a - 1)%%2 == 0) 
                    coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, a] * 
                      sin(cnst * tt)
                  else coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, 
                    a] * cos(cnst * tt)
                else if (type == 3) {
                  coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, a] * 
                    cos((a * tt)^0.5)
                else if (type == 4) {
                  if (a == 1) {
                    coory[p + 1] <- dfm[i, a]
                  else {
                    cnst <- (a - 2)%/%2 + 1
                    if ((a - 2)%%2 == 0) 
                      coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, a] * 
                        (sin(cnst * tt) + cos(cnst * tt))
                    else coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1] + dfm[i, 
                      a] * (sin(cnst * tt) - cos(cnst * tt))
                  coory[p + 1] <- coory[p + 1]/(2^0.5)
        lines(coorx, coory, col = clx[i], ...)

Make a picture

> S[,"clr"] <- 1:5
> andrews(df = S,clr=7,clx=rainbow(5),ymax=3,lwd=2)
> legend("topleft",                    # Add legend to plot
+        legend = row.names(S),
+        col = rainbow(5),
+        pch = 16)


> install.packages("aplpack")
> library(aplpack)
> faces(S[,1:6])
effect of variables:
 modified item       Var        
 "height of face   " "GDPpc"    
 "width of face    " "LifeExp"  
 "structure of face" "InfMort"  
 "height of mouth  " "PhysM"    
 "width of mouth   " "Natality" 
 "smiling          " "Mortality"
 "height of eyes   " "GDPpc"    
 "width of eyes    " "LifeExp"  
 "height of hair   " "InfMort"  
 "width of hair   "  "PhysM"    
 "style of hair   "  "Natality" 
 "height of nose  "  "Mortality"
 "width of nose   "  "GDPpc"    
 "width of ear    "  "LifeExp"  
 "height of ear   "  "InfMort"  

Stars and segments

> require(grDevices)
> stars(S[, 1:6], key.loc = c(14, 1.5),
+       main = "Neighbors : full stars()", flip.labels = FALSE)
> palette(rainbow(12, s = 0.6, v = 0.75))
> stars(S[, 1:6], len = 0.6, key.loc = c(1.5, 0),
+       main = "Neighbors", draw.segments = TRUE,
+       frame.plot = TRUE, nrow = 4, cex = .7)
> stars(S[, 1:6], locations = NULL, radius = TRUE,
+       key.loc = c(5, 2), main = "Neighbors", lty = 1)
> palette(rainbow(6))
> stars(S[, 1:6], len = 0.8, key.loc = c(6.7, 1.8),
+       main = "Neighbors", draw.segments = TRUE,
+       frame.plot = FALSE, nrow = 2, ncol=3, cex = 0.8)

Radar chart

> install.packages("fmsb")
> library(fmsb)

> colBorder=c( rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.9), rgb(0.8,0.2,0.5,0.9) , rgb(0.7,0.5,0.1,0.9), 
+              rgb(0.9,0.1,0.1,0.9) , rgb(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9) )
> colIn=c( rgb(0.2,0.5,0.5,0.4), rgb(0.8,0.2,0.5,0.4) , rgb(0.7,0.5,0.1,0.4), 
+              rgb(0.9,0.1,0.1,0.4) , rgb(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.4) )
> data <- S[,1:6]

> i <- 5
> item <- rbind(apply(data, 2, max),apply(data, 2, min),data[i,])
> radarchart(item,pcol=colBorder[i], pfcol=colIn[i],plwd=4,plty=1,
+ cglcol="grey",cglty=1,axislabcol="grey",caxislabels=seq(0,20,5),cglwd=0.8)

Example 2

> x <- c(1,2,3,1.5,2.5,7,7.5,8)
> y <- c(2,1.5,1,5,5.5,6,6.5,7)
> x1 <- c(0,x,8.5)
> x2 <- c(0,y,7.8)
> plot(x1,x2,pch=16,cex=2,type="n")
> points(x,rep(-0.28,8),pch=16,cex=2,col="red")
> points(rep(-0.28,8),y,pch=16,cex=2,col="blue")
> points(x,y,pch=16,cex=2)
> XY <- data.frame(x,y,row.names=paste("U",1:8,sep=""))
> text(x+0.3,y,row.names(XY))
> D <- dist(XY)
> t <-hclust(D,method="complete")
> plot(t,hang=-1,cex=1,main="Clustering / Complete")

Euclidean / picture

> a <- c(30,50)
> s <- c(16,12)
> Age <- c(0,a,63)
> School <- c(0,s,19)
> plot(Age,School,type="n")
> lines(a,s,type="b",pch=16,cex=2,lwd=2)
> text(25,17.5,"Janez",cex=1.5)
> text(54.5,11,"Peter",cex=1.5)
> x1 <- c(-3,30); y1 <- c(16,16); lines(x1,y1,col="Blue")
> x2 <- c(-3,50); y2 <- c(12,12); lines(x2,y2,col="Blue")
> x3 <- c(30,30); y3 <- c(-3,16); lines(x3,y3,col="Blue")
> x4 <- c(50,50); y4 <- c(-3,12); lines(x4,y4,col="Blue")


Model picture description in Pajek

*Vertices 11
  1 "NOT IN BACKGROUND"     0.0952    0.1667    0.5000 box  x_fact 6
  2 "SAY A LOT"             0.0952    0.3333    0.5000
  3 "ATTENTION"             0.0952    0.5000    0.5000
  4 "NOT QUIET"             0.0952    0.6667    0.5000
  5 "LIFE OF A PARTY"       0.0952    0.8333    0.5000
  6 "U1"                    0.4762    0.3333    0.5000 ellipse
  7 "U2"                    0.4762    0.6667    0.5000
  8 "V1"                    0.6190    0.3333    0.5000
  9 "V2"                    0.6190    0.6667    0.5000
 10 "EDU"                   0.8571    0.1667    0.5000 box  x_fact 2
 11 "AGE"                   0.8571    0.8333    0.5000
  1   6 0.800000000
  2   6 0.640000000
  3   6 0.530000000
  4   6 0.470000000
  5   7 0.760000000 
 10   8 0.460000000
 10   9 -0.890000000 p Solid
 11   8 -0.850000000 p Solid
 11   9 -0.520000000 p Solid
  6   8 0.430000000
  7   9 0.210000000