Extracting units

# source("OpenAlex2Pajek.R")

# library(httr)
# library(jsonlite)
# source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bavla/OpenAlex/main/code/OpenAlex.R")

VBlist <- read.table("VladoWorks.csv")$V1
Q <- list(
#  select="id,title,countries_distinct_count,cited_by_count,referenced_works_count",
#  per_page="200"
save <- TRUE
if(save) json <- file("save.ndjson","w",encoding="UTF-8")

openWorks <- function(query=NULL,list=NULL,file=NULL){
  WC <<- new.env(hash=TRUE,parent=emptyenv())
  WC$works <- "https://api.openalex.org/works"
  WC$Q <- query; WC$L <- list; WC$f <- file
  WC$n <- 0; WC$l <- 0; WC$m <- 0
  if(length(query[["search"]])>0) {
    WC$k <- 0; WC$nr <- 0; WC$act <- "page"
    if(length(query[["per_page"]])==0) WC$Q$per_page <- "200"
    WC$Q$cursor <- "*"
  } else if(length(list)>0) { WC$act <- "list"
  } else if(length(file)>0) { WC$act <- "open"
  } else WC$act <- "stop"

nextWork <- function(){
  # repeat{
  for(t in 1:5){
      "page" = {
        if(WC$n==10) {WC$act <- "list"; next}
        WC$k <- WC$k + 1
          WC$wd <- GET(WC$works,query=WC$Q)
          if(WC$wd$status_code!=200) {WC$act <- "list"
            cat(WC$n,"GET error\n"); flush.console(); next}
          WC$k <- 1
          WC$wc <- fromJSON(rawToChar(WC$wd$content))
          WC$Q$cursor <- WC$wc$meta$next_cursor
          if(is.null(WC$Q$cursor)) {WC$act <- "list"; next}
          WC$df <- WC$wc$results; WC$nr <- nrow(WC$df)
          cat(WC$k,wc$meta$count,WC$nr,"\n   ",WC$Q$cursor,"\n"); flush.console()
        WC$n <- WC$n + 1
      "list" = {
        WC$l <- WC$l + 1 
        if(WC$l>length(WC$L)) {WC$act <- "open"; next}
        works <- paste(WC$works,"/",WC$L[WC$l],sep="")
        WC$wd <- GET(works,query=list(select=WC$Q[["select"]]))
        if(WC$wd$status_code!=200) {cat(WC$n,"GET error\n")
          flush.console(); next}
        cat("   >>>",WC$l,WC$L[WC$l],"\n"); flush.console()
        wc <- fromJSON(rawToChar(WC$wd$content))
        WC$n <- WC$n + 1
      "open" = {
        if(is.null(WC$f)) { WC$act <- "stop"; next }
        WC$ndj <- file(WC$f,open="r")
        WC$act <- "file"; next 
      "file" = {
        wc <- readLines(con=WC$ndj,n=1)
        if(length(wc)==0){ close(WC$ndj); WC$act <- "stop"; next }
        WC$m <- WC$m + 1; WC$n <- WC$n + 1
      "stop" = { return(NULL) },
      stop(paste0("No handler for ",WC$act))
  stop("Too many errors")

processWork <- function(w) {
  cat("   Process:",WC$n,w$title,"\n")
  Wid <- getID(w$id); hit <- TRUE
  Sid <- getID(w$primary_location$source$id)
  Sname <- w$primary_location$source$display_name 
  pYear <- w$publication_year; pDate <- w$publication_date
  type <- w$type; lang <- w$language
  vol <- w$biblio$volume; iss <- w$biblio$issue
  fPage <- w$biblio$first_page; lPage <- w$biblio$last_page
  title <- w$title; tit <- gsub(";",",",title) 
  fAName <- w$authorships$author$display_name[1]
  if(length(w$authorships)==1) fAName <- w$authorships[[1]]$author$display_name[1]
  sWname <- Gname(fAName,type,pYear,vol,fPage)
  u <- putWork(Wid,sWname)
  cat(u,Wid,hit,sWname,Sid,pYear,pDate,type,lang,vol,iss,fPage,lPage,fAName,tit,sep=";","\n"); flush.console()
  if(!is.na(Sid)) {j <- putSrc(Sid,Sname); cat(u,j,"\n",file=wj)}
    sep=";",file=wrk); cat("\n",file=wrk)
  refs <- w$referenced_works
  if(length(w$referenced_works)==1) refs <- w$referenced_works[[1]]
  for(wk in refs) {
    vid <- getID(wk); v <- putWork(vid,"")
    cat("\n",file=wrk); cat(u,v,"\n",file=ci) }
  auts <- w$authorships$author
  if(is.null(auts)) auts <- w$authorships[[1]]$author 
  for(a in 1:nrow(auts)) {
    Aid <- getID(auts$id[a]); v <- putAuth(Aid,Aname=auts$display_name[a])
    cat(u,v,"\n",file=wa) }

closeWorks <- function() rm(WC,inherits=TRUE)

cat("OpenAlex2Pajek - Start",date(),"\n")
ci <- file("Ci.tmp","w",encoding="UTF-8"); wa <- file("WA.tmp","w",encoding="UTF-8")
wj <- file("WJ.tmp","w",encoding="UTF-8"); wrk <- file("works.csv","w",encoding="UTF-8")
cat("% OpenAlex",date(),"\n",file=wa); cat("% OpenAlex",date(),"\n",file=wj)
cat("% OpenAlex",date(),"\n",file=ci); cat("% OpenAlex",date(),"\n",file=wrk)

works <- eDict(); srces <- eDict(); auths <- eDict();

# openWorks(query=Q,list=VBlist,file="manual.ndjson")
# openWorks(query=Q,list=NULL,file="save.ndjson")
cat("*** OpenAlex2Pajek - Start",date(),"\n")
  w <- nextWork()
  if(is.null(w)) break
  if(save) write(toJSON(w),file=json)
cat("*** OpenAlex2Pajek - Stop",date(),"\n")
closeWorks(); close(ci);  close(wa); close(wj); close(wrk)
if(save) close(json)
> source("OpenAlex2Pajek.R")
OpenAlex2Pajek - Start Sun Mar 17 19:00:53 2024 
act :  chr "page"
f :  NULL
k :  num 0
l :  num 0
L :  chr [1:7] "W2147991930" "W2008006577" "W1981385379" "W2110311637" "W2083084326" "W2023723604" ...
m :  num 0
n :  num 0
nr :  num 0
Q : List of 5
 $ search  : chr "handball"
 $ filter  : chr "publication_year:2015"
 $ select  : chr "id,primary_location,publication_year,publication_date,type,language,biblio,title,authorships,countries_distinct"| __truncated__
 $ per_page: chr "3"
 $ cursor  : chr "*"
works :  chr "https://api.openalex.org/works"
*** OpenAlex2Pajek - Start Sun Mar 17 19:00:53 2024 
1 1330 3 
   Process: 1 Improving Fitness of Elite Handball Players 
1;W1971587050;TRUE;Iacono_AD(2015)29:835;S150708336;2015;2015-03-01;article;en;29;3;835;843;Antonio Dello Iacono;Improving Fitness of Elite Handball Players;
   Process: 2 Incidence and risk factors of injuries in Brazilian elite handball players: A prospective cohort study 
31;W2218176234;TRUE;Giroto_N(2015)27:195;S199863227;2015;2015-12-10;article;en;27;2;195;202;N. Giroto;Incidence and risk factors of injuries in Brazilian elite handball players: A prospective cohort study;
   Process: 3 Injury and illness surveillance during the 24th Men's Handball World Championship 2015 in Qatar 
57;W2133414068;TRUE;Bere_T(2015)49:1151;S136578784;2015;2015-07-17;article;en;49;17;1151;1156;Tone Bere;Injury and illness surveillance during the 24th Men's Handball World Championship 2015 in Qatar;
1 1330 3 
   Process: 4 Technical Match Characteristics and Influence of Body Anthropometry on Playing Performance in Male Elite Team Handball 
90;W2014565141;TRUE;Michalsi_LB(2015)29:416;S150708336;2015;2015-02-01;article;en;29;2;416;428;Lars Bojsen Michalsik;Technical Match Characteristics and Influence of Body Anthropometry on Playing Performance in Male Elite Team Handball;
   Process: 5 Structural Brain Correlates Associated with Professional Handball Playing 
98;W2070786099;TRUE;Hänggi_J(2015)10:e0124222;S202381698;2015;2015-04-27;article;en;10;4;e0124222;e0124222;Jürgen Hänggi;Structural Brain Correlates Associated with Professional Handball Playing;
   Process: 6 Test-retest reliability of seven common clinical tests for assessing lower extremity muscle flexibility in futsal and handball players 
181;W2012196687;TRUE;Cejudo_A(2015)16:107;S27861859;2015;2015-05-01;article;en;16;2;107;113;Antonio Cejudo;Test-retest reliability of seven common clinical tests for assessing lower extremity muscle flexibility in futsal and handball players;
1 1330 3 
   Process: 7 Comparison of Inflammatory Responses and Muscle Damage Indices Following a Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball and Handball Game at an Elite Competitive Level 
207;W1999308010;TRUE;Souglis_A(2015)23:59;S25740861;2015;2015-01-02;article;en;23;1;59;72;Athanasios Souglis;Comparison of Inflammatory Responses and Muscle Damage Indices Following a Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball and Handball Game at an Elite Competitive Level;
   Process: 8 Talent development as an ecology of games: a case study of Norwegian handball 
235;W2273156203;TRUE;Bjørndal_CT(2015)22:864;S58769659;2015;2015-09-22;article;en;22;7;864;877;Christian Thue Bjørndal;Talent development as an ecology of games: a case study of Norwegian handball;
   Process: 9 Anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of top-elite, elite and non-elite youth female team handball players 
261;W2011076485;TRUE;Moss_S(2015)33:1780;S95965737;2015;2015-02-16;article;en;33;17;1780;1789;Samantha Moss;Anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of top-elite, elite and non-elite youth female team handball players;
1 1330 3 
   Process: 10 Isokinetic Strength Profile of Elite Female Handball Players 
281;W2413590293;TRUE;Xaverová_Z(2015)49:257;S128560994;2015;2015-12-01;article;en;49;1;257;266;Zuzana Xaverová;Isokinetic Strength Profile of Elite Female Handball Players;
   >>> 1 W2147991930 
   Process: 11 Fast algorithms for determining (generalized) core groups in social networks 
300;W2147991930;TRUE;Batagelj_V(2010)5:129;S4210175730;2010;2010-11-05;article;en;5;2;129;145;Vladimir Batagelj;Fast algorithms for determining (generalized) core groups in social networks;
   >>> 2 W2008006577 
   Process: 12 Efficient generation of large random networks 
317;W2008006577;TRUE;Batagelj_V(2005)71:;S35412551;2005;2005-03-11;article;en;71;3;Vladimir Batagelj;Efficient generation of large random networks;
   >>> 3 W1981385379 
   Process: 13 Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data 
326;W1981385379;TRUE;Doreian_P(2004)26:29;S26186134;2004;2004-01-01;article;en;26;1;29;53;Patrick Doreian;Generalized blockmodeling of two-mode network data;
   >>> 4 W2110311637 
   Process: 14 Comparing resemblance measures 
347;W2110311637;TRUE;Batagelj_V(1995)12:73;S73028643;1995;1995-03-01;article;en;12;1;73;90;Vladimir Batagelj;Comparing resemblance measures;
   >>> 5 W2083084326 
   Process: 15 On bibliographic networks 
356;W2083084326;TRUE;Batagelj_V(2013)96:845;S148561398;2013;2013-01-20;article;en;96;3;845;864;Vladimir Batagelj;On bibliographic networks;
W 362 Batagelj_V(2010)5:129  
   >>> 6 W2023723604 
   Process: 16 Direct and indirect methods for structural equivalence 
336;W2023723604;TRUE;Batagelj_V(1992)14:63;S26186134;1992;1992-03-01;article;en;14;1-2;63;90;Vladimir Batagelj;Direct and indirect methods for structural equivalence;
   >>> 7 W1967880836 
   Process: 17 Some analyses of Erdős collaboration graph 
305;W1967880836;TRUE;Batagelj_V(2000)22:173;S26186134;2000;2000-05-01;article;en;22;2;173;186;Vladimir Batagelj;Some analyses of Erdős collaboration graph;
W 375 Batagelj_V(1995)12:73  
*** OpenAlex2Pajek - Stop Sun Mar 17 19:00:55 2024 
act :  chr "stop"
df : 'data.frame':      3 obs. of  13 variables:
 $ id                      : chr  "https://openalex.org/W2413590293" "https://openalex.org/W1995065687" "https://openalex.org/W2026740782"
 $ primary_location        :'data.frame':       3 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ publication_year        : int  2015 2015 2015
 $ publication_date        : chr  "2015-12-01" "2015-02-23" "2015-04-01"
 $ type                    : chr  "article" "article" "article"
 $ language                : chr  "en" "en" "en"
 $ biblio                  :'data.frame':       3 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ title                   : chr  "Isokinetic Strength Profile of Elite Female Handball Players" "The role of community in the development of elite handball and football players in Denmark" "Technical Activity Profile and Influence of Body Anthropometry on Playing Performance in Female Elite Team Handball"
 $ authorships             :List of 3
 $ countries_distinct_count: int  2 1 2
 $ cited_by_count          : int  27 26 41
 $ referenced_works_count  : int  20 14 9
 $ referenced_works        :List of 3
f :  NULL
k :  num 1
l :  num 8
L :  chr [1:7] "W2147991930" "W2008006577" "W1981385379" "W2110311637" "W2083084326" "W2023723604" ...
m :  num 0
n :  num 17
nr :  int 3
Q : List of 5
 $ search  : chr "handball"
 $ filter  : chr "publication_year:2015"
 $ select  : chr "id,primary_location,publication_year,publication_date,type,language,biblio,title,authorships,countries_distinct"| __truncated__
 $ per_page: chr "3"
 $ cursor  : chr "Ils0MTUuNDE3MjQsIDE0Mjc4NDY0MDAwMDAsICdodHRwczovL29wZW5hbGV4Lm9yZy9XMjAyNjc0MDc4MiddIg=="
wc : List of 3
 $ meta    :List of 6
 $ results :'data.frame':       3 obs. of  13 variables:
 $ group_by: list()
wd : List of 10
 $ url        : chr "https://api.openalex.org/works/W1967880836?select=id%2Cprimary_location%2Cpublication_year%2Cpublication_date%2"| __truncated__
 $ status_code: int 200
 $ headers    :List of 23
 $ all_headers:List of 1
 $ cookies    :'data.frame':    0 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ content    : raw [1:2441] 7b 22 69 64 ...
 $ date       : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2024-03-17 18:00:55"
 $ times      : Named num [1:6] 0 0.000032 0 0.000101 0.133043 ...
 $ request    :List of 7
 $ handle     :Class 'curl_handle' <externalptr> 
works :  chr "https://api.openalex.org/works"
works: 375 authors: 54 sources: 14