Table of Contents

TeX and LaTeX

Book and chapters

We would like to process the entire book and each chapter separately. Each chapter <k> is inside its subdirectory Ch<k> and its pictures in the subsubdirectory Ch<k>/pics . The BibTeX bibliography is in the file bibnet.bib in the main directory.

We put common styles and commands in the file preamble.sty.

\ProvidesPackage{preamble}[2024/01/19 bibnet book LaTeX style]
\newenvironment{remark}{\medbreak\par\noindent\textbf{Remark:}\ }{\QED}

The template for the book

% book.tex
\newif\ifHeader %\Headertrue 
\newif\ifBook \Booktrue 
\newif\ifChapter \Chapterfalse 
\ifBook \documentclass[a4paper,twoside]{WileySev} \else \documentclass{WileySev} \fi
\booktitle{Analysis of bibliographic networks}
% Ch01:  Introduction	
% Ch02:  Introduction to networks	

For processing a chapter Ch<name> separately (in the chapter's directory) we have to add to it some additional code at its beginning and its end.

% ChBibnets.tex
% Ch02:  Introduction to networks
\else\documentclass{../WileySev} \usepackage{import} \import{../}{preamble.sty}
\offprintinfo{Analysis of bibliographic networks\\ \today \quad \clock}{V. Batagelj, D. Maltseva}
\chapter{Bibliographic networks}\label{ch:bibnets}

Saving the start/end chapter code in the main directory on files StartChapter.tex and EndChapter.tex we get a more readable chapter template

% ChBibnets.tex
% Ch02:  Introduction to networks
% =================== Start Chapter =================================
\chapter{Bibliographic networks}\label{ch:bibnets}
% =================== End Chapter ==================================

To get the book/chapter bibliography right, we have to process the corresponding file several times

pdflatex ChBibnets
bibtex ChBibnets
pdflatex ChBibnets
pdflatex ChBibnets


  1. C:\Users\vlado\test\TeX\bibsub2