

The accommodation is provided in the Dormitory of the School of Medicine, School of Public Health “Andrija Stampar”, University of Zagreb Address: Rockefellerova 4, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.


Contact person for booking at the Dormitory:
Mrs. Slavica Barbić
Telephone: +385-1-4590-100
Fax: +385-1-4684-441
E-mail: slavica.barbic@snz.hr

Important date: Accommodation should be booked until 1 September 2017.

Accommodation prices at the Dormitory:

  • 15 Young Statisticians presenting at the YSM2017 have a free of charge accommodation in the Dormitory!
  • RECOMMENDED: Other YSM2017 participants have the following offer for the accommodation in the Dormitory.

Prices for stay in the Dormitory for 2017:

Accommodation Type Price up to 10 days stay
Total Per person
One-bed room 150,00 HRK
(=20.10 EUR per person by night)
Double-bed room (single person) 150,00 HRK
Double-bed room (two persons) 200,00 HRK 100,00 HRK
Apartment 2+1 (single person) 200,00 HRK
(=26.85 EUR per person by night)
Apartment 2+1 (two persons) 250,00 HRK 125,00 HRK
Apartment 2+1 (three persons) 300,00 HRK 100,00 HRK
Apartment 2+2 (single person) 200,00 HRK
Apartment 2+2 (two persons) 250,00 HRK 125,00 HRK
Apartment 2+2 (three persons) 300,00 HRK 100,00 HRK
Apartment 2+2 (four persons) 320,00 HRK 80,00 HRK

Prices per day include breakfast and tax!

Exchange rate: on 19 February 2017: 1EUR=7,45HRK; or 100HRK=13,50EUR.
Exchange Rate List

Parking: For guests of the Dormitory the parking is FREE of charge at the Dormitory!

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events/ysm17/hotel.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/12 05:57 by vlado
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