Keyword pairs from titles

1. Input Degree of N1 (1336999)
Dimension: 1336999
The lowest value:                         0.0000
The highest value:                   151362.0000

Highest values: 

      Rank    Vertex                       Value   Id
         1    408800                 151362.0000   covid_19
         2    376790                  28872.0000   sars_cov
         3    409978                  28461.0000   19_pandemic
         4    410234                  27574.0000   cov_2
         5    409975                  11934.0000   coronavirus_disease
         6    409976                   9679.0000   disease_2019
         7    436602                   7247.0000   19_patient
         8    433894                   6460.0000   patient_covid
         9    375549                   5975.0000   systematic_review
        10    375691                   5835.0000   acute_respiratory
        11    379621                   5449.0000   respiratory_syndrome
        12    389796                   4730.0000   2_infection
        13    408859                   4399.0000   novel_coronavirus
        14    439844                   4365.0000   impact_covid
        15    428903                   4282.0000   19_outbreak
        16    377163                   4133.0000   severe_acute
        17    455886                   3994.0000   19_infection
        18    376564                   3644.0000   case_report
        19    409977                   3601.0000   2019_covid
        20    376049                   3564.0000   meta_analysis
        21    399267                   3470.0000   mental_health
        22    375165                   3259.0000   public_health
        23    392359                   3131.0000   syndrome_coronavirus
        24    381677                   2794.0000   health_care
        25    418172                   2748.0000   de_la
        26    375249                   2608.0000   infectious_disease
        27    376048                   2559.0000   review_meta
        28    434385                   2352.0000   time_covid
        29    376706                   2281.0000   united_state
        30    449792                   2129.0000   severe_covid
        31    448870                   2119.0000   19_pneumonia
        32    377289                   2110.0000   cohort_study
        33    377486                   2092.0000   cross_sectional
        34    375437                   2090.0000   risk_factor
        35    440533                   2024.0000   disease_covid
        36    439419                   1983.0000   response_covid
        37    375145                   1867.0000   intensive_care
        38    429369                   1858.0000   19_epidemic
        39    428842                   1821.0000   coronavirus_2
        40    439332                   1752.0000   19_case
        41    375220                   1742.0000   critically_ill
        42    376924                   1685.0000   long_term
        43    500330                   1684.0000   19_era
        44    377190                   1684.0000   healthcare_worker
        45    376148                   1627.0000   clinical_characteristic
        46    375189                   1618.0000   virus_infection
        47    386648                   1602.0000   clinical_trial
        48    448150                   1581.0000   treatment_covid
        49    375806                   1536.0000   influenza_virus
        50    378558                   1523.0000   control_trial
        51    410314                   1487.0000   coronavirus_infection
        52    486744                   1436.0000   coronavirus_covid
        53    386481                   1433.0000   middle_east
        54    376127                   1403.0000   emergency_department
        55    375163                   1374.0000   real_time
        56    378323                   1348.0000   viral_infection
        57    380483                   1336.0000   social_distance
        58    378938                   1315.0000   care_unit
        59    428109                   1312.0000   2019_novel
        60    498150                   1311.0000   19_lockdown
        61    441530                   1308.0000   19_crisis
        62    391821                   1271.0000   east_respiratory
        63    440557                   1251.0000   patient_coronavirus
        64    497027                   1250.0000   covid_19.
        65    380323                   1240.0000   case_series
        66    376598                   1234.0000   immune_response
        67    411896                   1228.0000   spike_protein
        68    378648                   1210.0000   cancer_patient
        69    378373                   1205.0000   respiratory_tract
        70    375692                   1175.0000   respiratory_distress
        71    379217                   1173.0000   randomize_control
        72    500195                   1169.0000   effect_covid
        73    378932                   1164.0000   respiratory_virus
        74    377487                   1163.0000   sectional_study
        75    446908                   1161.0000   coronavirus_pandemic
        76    403678                   1153.0000   letter_editor
        77    378526                   1151.0000   observational_study
        78    381352                   1150.0000   new_york
        79    375221                   1116.0000   ill_patient
        80    377354                   1103.0000   stem_cell
        81    375693                   1101.0000   distress_syndrome
        82    501143                   1089.0000   la_pandemia
        83    497022                   1081.0000   de_covid
        84    501420                   1077.0000   covid‐19_pandemic
        85    382410                   1071.0000   lesson_learn
        86    428338                   1069.0000   2019_ncov
        87    380457                   1051.0000   case_study
        88    408862                   1044.0000   wuhan_china
        89    376933                   1032.0000   patient_severe
        90    490593                   1028.0000   2_covid
        91    446924                   1027.0000   era_covid
        92    376366                   1006.0000   respiratory_infection
        93    499898                   1002.0000   19_related
        94    377367                    996.0000   infectious_bronchitis
        95    428374                    987.0000   management_covid
        96    381678                    984.0000   care_worker
        97    393698                    982.0000   protective_equipment
        98    387307                    981.0000   2_pandemic
        99    400424                    966.0000   old_adult
       100    426407                    950.0000   corona_virus
       101    433982                    945.0000   care_covid
       102    393697                    941.0000   personal_protective
       103    399072                    935.0000   mers_cov
       104    380361                    931.0000   hospitalize_patient
       105    381328                    918.0000   pregnant_woman
       106    498187                    916.0000   surgery_covid
       107    375420                    914.0000   rt_pcr
       108    382743                    910.0000   single_center
       109    434185                    903.0000   19_associate
       110    447337                    902.0000   2019_pandemic
       111    458660                    900.0000   post_covid
       112    426428                    900.0000   sars_coronavirus
       113    388801                    885.0000   et_al
       114    391872                    867.0000   clinical_outcome
       115    434765                    856.0000   due_covid
       116    463576                    855.0000   sars_cov2
       117    377368                    851.0000   bronchitis_virus
       118    375095                    832.0000   clinical_feature
       119    440018                    817.0000   case_covid
       120    429049                    813.0000   coronavirus_2019
       121    385092                    813.0000   machine_learn
       122    384945                    813.0000   social_medium
       123    377208                    811.0000   convert_enzyme
       124    377207                    803.0000   angiotensin_convert
       125    378311                    796.0000   transplant_recipient
       126    381356                    786.0000   retrospective_study
       127    507596                    784.0000   19_disease
       128    508097                    783.0000   spread_covid
       129    379717                    768.0000   prevention_control
       130    387304                    766.0000   scoping_review
       131    377274                    764.0000   porcine_epidemic
       132    458255                    763.0000   associate_covid
       133    376445                    761.0000   hong_kong
       134    471944                    759.0000   detection_sars
       135    378374                    758.0000   tract_infection
       136    384195                    755.0000   literature_review
       137    400198                    754.0000   compute_tomography
       138    523729                    752.0000   2_spike
       139    381038                    744.0000   health_system
       140    428052                    742.0000   convalescent_plasma
       141    391823                    739.0000   medical_student
       142    415930                    734.0000   chest_ct
       143    376061                    728.0000   critical_care
       144    506207                    726.0000   outcome_covid
       145    383664                    726.0000   breast_cancer
       146    439630                    724.0000   2_sars
       147    471397                    723.0000   coronavirus_sars
       148    501185                    720.0000   risk_covid
       149    498555                    719.0000   model_covid
       150    376377                    716.0000   lung_cancer
       151    383836                    712.0000   ischemic_stroke
       152    377276                    711.0000   diarrhea_virus
       153    383609                    710.0000   high_risk
       154    381353                    708.0000   york_city
       155    531169                    704.0000   19_systematic
       156    382092                    701.0000   outcome_patient
       157    392888                    697.0000   primary_care
       158    379012                    694.0000   type_2
       159    377275                    694.0000   epidemic_diarrhea
       160    375981                    687.0000   global_health
       161    434401                    686.0000   por_covid
       162    378762                    682.0000   virus_disease
       163    379214                    673.0000   study_protocol
       164    377795                    671.0000   review_literature
       165    377912                    670.0000   retrospective_cohort
       166    464220                    666.0000   main_protease
       167    386505                    662.0000   south_korea
       168    429725                    661.0000   en_la
       169    375570                    660.0000   infection_control
       170    375229                    660.0000   contact_trace
       171    479289                    656.0000   cytokine_storm
       172    376045                    655.0000   respiratory_failure
       173    375388                    651.0000   nucleic_acid
       174    446095                    648.0000   19_en
       175    427646                    648.0000   coronavirus_pneumonia
       176    511853                    635.0000   fight_covid
       177    447400                    632.0000   19_vaccine
       178    387002                    629.0000   short_term
       179    376362                    623.0000   face_mask
       180    446094                    621.0000   la_covid
       181    377064                    621.0000   multiple_sclerosis
       182    420492                    620.0000   physical_activity
       183    427546                    619.0000   human_coronavirus
       184    375107                    616.0000   saudi_arabia
       185    427807                    615.0000   en_el
       186    381081                    613.0000   point_care
       187    377840                    612.0000   community_acquire
       188    447227                    610.0000   deep_learn
       189    397066                    610.0000   cardiovascular_disease
       190    378706                    602.0000   factor_associate
       191    378318                    601.0000   renin_angiotensin
       192    375685                    600.0000   decision_make
       193    378244                    598.0000   pilot_study
       194    377282                    593.0000   quality_life
       195    377603                    592.0000   's_disease
       196    379272                    587.0000   x_ray
       197    464157                    585.0000   19_among
       198    381559                    581.0000   heart_failure
       199    498530                    580.0000   19_response
       200    377096                    580.0000   respiratory_syncytial
notes/imfm/corona/ana/kt2.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/19 06:49 by vlado
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