Trace of computing Jaccard in SN17

Sept 22, 2018

3. biCo (70792)
Number of vertices (n): 70792
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1      102292310              0
Number of lines with value#1       21920936              0
Total number of lines             124213246              0
Number of loops                       54332              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density [loops allowed] = 0.02478561
Average Degree = 3509.24528195

4. biC (70792)
Number of vertices (n): 70792
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1        3375630              0
Number of lines with value#1      120837616              0
Total number of lines             124213246              0
Number of loops                       54332              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density [loops allowed] = 0.02478561
Average Degree = 3509.24528195

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=1
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                  1 %  (-82% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:                 108.264 kB

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            13.327.528 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.573.520.680 kB

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:01:46

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=2
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                 47 %  (-36% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:               7.754.528 kB (+7.646.264 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            21.017.208 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.581.172.960 kB

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:01:46

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=2
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                 47 %  (-36% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:               7.754.528 kB (+7.646.264 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            21.017.208 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.581.172.960 kB

Removing loops
 100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  0:00:00

Removing loops
 100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  0:00:24

Powering Line Values
 Time spent:  0:02:06

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=3
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                  1 %  (-82% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:                 105.208 kB (-7.649.320 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            13.265.284 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.573.501.792 kB

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:03:38

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:00:00

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=4
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                  1 %  (-82% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:                  92.740 kB (-12.468 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            13.343.184 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.573.527.136 kB

Converting bidirectional Arcs to Edges
   0.03% finished. Time spent: 0:00:10
   0.05% finished. Time spent: 0:00:23
   0.11% finished. Time spent: 0:00:33
   0.13% finished. Time spent: 0:00:48
   0.15% finished. Time spent: 0:00:59
   0.19% finished. Time spent: 0:01:09
   0.27% finished. Time spent: 0:01:21
   0.30% finished. Time spent: 0:01:31
   0.32% finished. Time spent: 0:01:44
   0.35% finished. Time spent: 0:01:54
   0.40% finished. Time spent: 0:02:05
   0.42% finished. Time spent: 0:02:16
   0.47% finished. Time spent: 0:02:27
   0.57% finished. Time spent: 0:02:37
  48.29% finished. Time spent: 1:02:09
  48.64% finished. Time spent: 1:02:19
  48.93% finished. Time spent: 1:02:30
  49.27% finished. Time spent: 1:02:40
  49.84% finished. Time spent: 1:02:50
  50.49% finished. Time spent: 1:03:00
  50.97% finished. Time spent: 1:03:10
  51.38% finished. Time spent: 1:03:20
  51.88% finished. Time spent: 1:03:30
  52.17% finished. Time spent: 1:03:40
  60.57% finished. Time spent: 1:05:41
  62.02% finished. Time spent: 1:05:51
  63.64% finished. Time spent: 1:06:01
  65.73% finished. Time spent: 1:06:11
  67.57% finished. Time spent: 1:06:21
  69.63% finished. Time spent: 1:06:31
  71.65% finished. Time spent: 1:06:41
  74.64% finished. Time spent: 1:06:51
  81.10% finished. Time spent: 1:07:02
  92.83% finished. Time spent: 1:07:12
 100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  1:07:36

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=5
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                  1 %  (-82% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:                 110.148 kB (+17.408 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            13.359.032 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.573.537.996 kB

5. Bidirected Arcs to Edges (SUM) of N5 (70792)
Number of vertices (n): 70792
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0              0
Number of lines with value#1              0       62079457
Total number of lines                     0       62079457
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density1 [loops allowed]    = 0.02477476
Density2 [no loops allowed] = 0.02477511
Average Degree = 1753.85515312

5. Bidirected Arcs to Edges (SUM) of N5 (70792)
Lowest value of line:               2.00000000
Highest value of line:            344.00000000

         Line Values                                   Frequency       Freq%      CumFreq  CumFreq%
 (                       ...                2.0000]        67762      0.1092        67762    0.1092
 (                2.0000 ...               20.0000]     30197244     48.6429     30265006   48.7520
 (               20.0000 ...               38.0000]     24240722     39.0479     54505728   87.7999
 (               38.0000 ...               56.0000]      5783664      9.3166     60289392   97.1165
 (               56.0000 ...               74.0000]      1175592      1.8937     61464984   99.0102
 (               74.0000 ...               92.0000]       354838      0.5716     61819822   99.5818
 (               92.0000 ...              110.0000]       165991      0.2674     61985813   99.8492
 (              110.0000 ...              128.0000]        66613      0.1073     62052426   99.9565
 (              128.0000 ...              146.0000]        10133      0.0163     62062559   99.9728
 (              146.0000 ...              164.0000]          766      0.0012     62063325   99.9740
 (              164.0000 ...              182.0000]         5531      0.0089     62068856   99.9829
 (              182.0000 ...              200.0000]         1258      0.0020     62070114   99.9849
 (              200.0000 ...              218.0000]          117      0.0002     62070231   99.9851
 (              218.0000 ...              236.0000]           20      0.0000     62070251   99.9852
 (              236.0000 ...              254.0000]            5      0.0000     62070256   99.9852
 (              254.0000 ...              272.0000]         7562      0.0122     62077818   99.9974
 (              272.0000 ...              290.0000]         1523      0.0025     62079341   99.9998
 (              290.0000 ...              308.0000]          107      0.0002     62079448  100.0000
 (              308.0000 ...              326.0000]            8      0.0000     62079456  100.0000
 (              326.0000 ...              344.0000]            1      0.0000     62079457  100.0000
  Total                                                 62079457    100.0000

Adding Constant to Line Values
 Time spent:  0:00:17

6. Adding constant -1.0000 to line values of N5 (70792)
Lowest value of line:               1.00000000
Highest value of line:            343.00000000

         Line Values                                   Frequency       Freq%      CumFreq  CumFreq%
 (                       ...                1.0000]        67762      0.1092        67762    0.1092
 (                1.0000 ...               19.0000]     30197244     48.6429     30265006   48.7520
 (               19.0000 ...               37.0000]     24240722     39.0479     54505728   87.7999
 (               37.0000 ...               55.0000]      5783664      9.3166     60289392   97.1165
 (               55.0000 ...               73.0000]      1175592      1.8937     61464984   99.0102
 (               73.0000 ...               91.0000]       354838      0.5716     61819822   99.5818
 (               91.0000 ...              109.0000]       165991      0.2674     61985813   99.8492
 (              109.0000 ...              127.0000]        66613      0.1073     62052426   99.9565
 (              127.0000 ...              145.0000]        10133      0.0163     62062559   99.9728
 (              145.0000 ...              163.0000]          766      0.0012     62063325   99.9740
 (              163.0000 ...              181.0000]         5531      0.0089     62068856   99.9829
 (              181.0000 ...              199.0000]         1258      0.0020     62070114   99.9849
 (              199.0000 ...              217.0000]          117      0.0002     62070231   99.9851
 (              217.0000 ...              235.0000]           20      0.0000     62070251   99.9852
 (              235.0000 ...              253.0000]            5      0.0000     62070256   99.9852
 (              253.0000 ...              271.0000]         7562      0.0122     62077818   99.9974
 (              271.0000 ...              289.0000]         1523      0.0025     62079341   99.9998
 (              289.0000 ...              307.0000]          107      0.0002     62079448  100.0000
 (              307.0000 ...              325.0000]            8      0.0000     62079456  100.0000
 (              325.0000 ...              343.0000]            1      0.0000     62079457  100.0000
  Total                                                 62079457    100.0000

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:00:05

Powering Line Values
 Time spent:  0:00:15

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:00:07

7. Jaccard (70792)
Number of vertices (n): 70792
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0          67762
Number of lines with value#1              0       62011695
Total number of lines                     0       62079457
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density1 [loops allowed]    = 0.02477476
Density2 [no loops allowed] = 0.02477511
Average Degree = 1753.85515312

Global Memory Status, 64bit OS, call=6
kilobytes of physical memory:                   16.637.496 kB
percent of free memory:                                  2 %  (-81% since Pajek start)
kilobytes of free physical memory:                 216.444 kB (+106.296 kB since the last call)

kilobytes of paging file space:                 34.248.192 kB
kilobytes of free paging file space:            13.252.036 kB

kilobytes of virtual address space:          8.589.934.464 kB
kilobytes of free virtual address space:     8.573.537.996 kB

Saving network to file   ---    G:\data\SocNet\
 Saving... Time spent: 0:00:10
 Saving... Time spent: 0:00:20
 Saving... Time spent: 0:00:30
 Saving... Time spent: 0:00:40
 Saving... Time spent: 0:02:30
 Saving... Time spent: 0:02:40
 Saving... Time spent: 0:02:50
 Saving... Time spent: 0:03:00
 Time spent:  0:03:04

Transforming 1-Mode to 2-Mode Network
 Time spent:  0:00:59

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:00:06

Multiplying networks
 Lines around vertices in input networks sorted in ascending order.
 Sorting lines........   1.61% finished. Time spent: 0:00:57
 Sorting lines........   3.22% finished. Time spent: 0:02:00
 Sorting lines........   4.83% finished. Time spent: 0:03:10
 Sorting lines........   6.44% finished. Time spent: 0:04:31
 Sorting lines........   8.05% finished. Time spent: 0:06:03
 Sorting lines........   9.67% finished. Time spent: 0:07:45
 Sorting lines........  11.28% finished. Time spent: 0:09:37
 Sorting lines........  12.89% finished. Time spent: 0:11:42
 Sorting lines........  14.50% finished. Time spent: 0:14:07
 Sorting lines........  16.11% finished. Time spent: 0:16:37
 Sorting lines........  95.04% finished. Time spent: 7:07:07
 Sorting lines........  96.65% finished. Time spent: 7:26:53
 Sorting lines........  98.26% finished. Time spent: 7:46:34
 Sorting lines........  99.87% finished. Time spent: 8:09:13
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 8:10:26
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 0:03:13
  100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  8:39:38

Info on 2-Mode Network 13. Multiplying N10 * N12 [2-Mode] (103201)
Number of vertices (n): 103201
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0              0
Number of lines with value#1              0      190235888
Total number of lines                     0      190235888
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

2-Mode Network: Rows=32409, Cols=70792
Density [2-Mode] = 0.08291682
Average Degree = 3686.70629161

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:00:01

Disposing Network...
 Time spent:  0:04:18

Saving network to file   ---    G:\data\SocNet\
 Saving... Time spent: 0:09:07
 Saving... Time spent: 0:09:18
 Saving... Time spent: 0:09:28
 Saving... Time spent: 0:09:38
 Saving... Time spent: 0:21:30
 Saving... Time spent: 0:21:40
 Saving... Time spent: 0:21:50
 Time spent:  0:21:52

13. Multiplying N10 * N12 [2-Mode] (103201)
Lowest value of line:               0.00008071
Highest value of line:             81.57858807

         Line Values                                   Frequency       Freq%      CumFreq  CumFreq%
 (                       ...  8.0000000000000E-005]            0      0.0000            0    0.0000
 (  8.0000000000000E-005 ...                4.2937]    190118104     99.9381    190118104   99.9381
 (                4.2937 ...                8.5873]        70324      0.0370    190188428   99.9751
 (                8.5873 ...               12.8809]        16028      0.0084    190204456   99.9835
 (               12.8809 ...               17.1745]         9355      0.0049    190213811   99.9884
 (               17.1745 ...               21.4681]         6709      0.0035    190220520   99.9919
 (               21.4681 ...               25.7617]         5149      0.0027    190225669   99.9946
 (               25.7617 ...               30.0553]         3688      0.0019    190229357   99.9966
 (               30.0553 ...               34.3489]         2365      0.0012    190231722   99.9978
 (               34.3489 ...               38.6425]         1771      0.0009    190233493   99.9987
 (               38.6425 ...               42.9361]          974      0.0005    190234467   99.9993
 (               42.9361 ...               47.2297]          527      0.0003    190234994   99.9995
 (               47.2297 ...               51.5234]          442      0.0002    190235436   99.9998
 (               51.5234 ...               55.8170]          321      0.0002    190235757   99.9999
 (               55.8170 ...               60.1106]           67      0.0000    190235824  100.0000
 (               60.1106 ...               64.4042]           41      0.0000    190235865  100.0000
 (               64.4042 ...               68.6978]           14      0.0000    190235879  100.0000
 (               68.6978 ...               72.9914]            6      0.0000    190235885  100.0000
 (               72.9914 ...               77.2850]            1      0.0000    190235886  100.0000
 (               77.2850 ...               81.5786]            2      0.0000    190235888  100.0000
  Total                                                190235888    100.0000

notes/net/jacbic.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/22 15:37 by vlado
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