LPP - Ljubljanski potniški promet

Structure of bus line web description

Looking at the source of the city bus line description

   <div class="col-md-6">
      <div class="lineFiles dir1">
         <h3 id="line-title-dir-1">Linija <strong><span class='line-no'>N1</span></strong>, smer: <strong>BROD</strong></h3>
         <hr class="line-nav-hr">
      <div class="line-tab-1 tab-stops-1 is-active lineDir has-travel-times">
         <div class="line-stops-head">
            <div class="ride-time">Čas vožnje v minutah</div>
         <div class="line-dir-stop">
            <div class="ride-time"> </div>
            <a href="?stop=600012-1&ref=1387" class="stop">BAVARSKI DVOR (Kozolec)</a>
         <div class="line-dir-stop">
            <div class="ride-time"> </div>
            <a href="?stop=700012-1&ref=1387" class="stop">Gosposvetska</a>

we see that the data can be extracted using the XML library

> wdir <- "C:/Users/vlado/DL/data/LJ/LPP"
> setwd(wdir)
> library(XML)
> cat("LPP:",date(),"\n\n")
> page <- 'https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=N1'
> html <- readLines(con<-url(page)); close(con)
> S <- html[nchar(html)>0]
> Page <- htmlParse(S)
> length(S)
> post <- xpathSApply(Page,'//a[@class="stop"]',xmlAttrs)[1,]
> lab <- trimws(xpathSApply(Page,'//a[@class="stop"]',xmlValue))
> T <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(post,"&")),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
> L <- data.frame(lab=lab,stop=gsub("\\?stop=", "",T[,1]),ref=gsub("ref=", "",T[,2]))
> head(L)
                      lab     stop  ref
1 BAVARSKI DVOR (Kozolec) 600012-1 1387
2            Gosposvetska 700012-1 1387
3                  Tivoli 801012-1 1387
4            Stara cerkev 802012-1 1387
5              Kino Šiška 802022-1 1387
6                  Remiza 803014-1 1387

From https://www.lpp.si/javni-prevoz/vozni-redi we get a list of bus lines (the data about the line 19B were not available) and after some editing

# https://www.lpp.si/javni-prevoz/vozni-redi
 1;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=1";Stanežiče P+R - Dolgi most P+R;ob delavnikih in sobotah
 1B;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=1B";Brod - Stanežiče P+R - Dolgi most P+R;ob nedeljah in praznikih
 N1;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=N1";Bavarski dvor - Stanežiče P+R - Brod;nočna - vse dni v letu
 2;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=2";Zelena jama - Nove Jarše;
 3;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=3";Litostroj - Rudnik;
 19;"http://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?line=1382";Tomačevo - Barje;
 60;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=60";Vodice - Ljubljana;ob delavnikih in sobotah
 61;"https://www.lpp.si/sites/default/files/lpp_vozniredi/iskalnik/index.php?stop=0&l=61";Vodice-Polje-Vodice;ob delavnikih in sobotah

saved to the file lines.csv.

Extracting data about bus lines

First, we extract the interesting data from bus line web pages and collect it in the data frame LL.

> cat("LPP:",date(),"\n\n")
> line <- read.csv2("lines.csv",head=TRUE,skip=1)
> line$proga <- trimws(line$proga)
> LL <- NULL; line$koda <- NA
> for(i in 1:nrow(line)){
+   lineLab <- line$proga[i]
+   cat(i,"-",lineLab,":",line$ime[i],"\n"); flush.console()
+   page <- line$naslov[i]
+   html <- readLines(con<-url(page)); close(con)
+   S <- html[nchar(html)>0]; cat("length =",length(S))
+   save <- file(paste("./DL/",lineLab,".html",sep=""))
+   writeLines(S,save); close(save)
+   Page <- htmlParse(S)
+   post <- xpathSApply(Page,'//a[@class="stop"]',xmlAttrs)[1,]
+   lab <- trimws(xpathSApply(Page,'//a[@class="stop"]',xmlValue))
+   T <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(post,"&")),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
+   L <- data.frame(lab=lab,stop=gsub("\\?stop=", "",T[,1]),ref=gsub("ref=", "",T[,2]))
+   LL <- rbind(LL,L)
+   line$koda[i] <- L$ref[1]; cat("   koda =",L$ref[1],"\n")
+ }
> write.csv2(line,"linesNew.csv")
> write.csv2(LL,"LPP23.csv")

> dim(LL)
[1] 2269    3
> head(LL)
             lab     stop  ref
1    D. MOST P+R 704011-1 1373
2    Zgornji log 704141-1 1373
3 Cesta v Gorice 704151-1 1373
4     Mestni log 604031-1 1373
5    Tbilisijska 603141-1 1373
6        Koprska 603041-1 1373
> tail(LL)
                  lab     stop ref
2264           Koseze 826111-2 817
2265             Utik 826041-2 817
2266   Bukovica Anzel 826031-2 817
2267 Bukovica Plevevc 826021-2 817
2268        Vodice OŠ 826091-2 817
2269           VODICE 826011-2 817
LPP: Mon Sep 18 04:06:22 2023 

1 - 1 : Stanežiče P+R - Dolgi most P+R 
length = 1439   koda = 1373 
2 - 1B : Brod - Stanežiče P+R - Dolgi most P+R 
length = 1505   koda = 1362 
3 - N1 : Bavarski dvor - Stanežiče P+R - Brod 
length = 1331   koda = 1387 
4 - 2 : Zelena jama - Nove Jarše 
length = 1439   koda = 1203 
5 - 3 : Litostroj - Rudnik 
length = 1349   koda = 1321 
6 - 3B : Litostroj - Škofljica 
length = 1421   koda = 1374 
7 - 3G : Bežigrad (Železna) - Grosuplje 
length = 1571   koda = 1303 
8 - N3 : Bavarski dvor - Rudnik 
length = 1271   koda = 1223 
9 - N3B : Bavarski dvor - Škofljica 
length = 1343   koda = 1224 
10 - 5 : Podutik - Štepanjsko naselje 
length = 1391   koda = 1265 
11 - N5 : Podutik - Bavarski dvor - Štepanjsko naselje 
length = 1391   koda = 1367 
12 - 6 : Črnuče - Dolgi most (P+R) 
length = 1409   koda = 1324 
13 - 6B : Bežigrad (Železna) - Notranje Gorice - Jezero 
length = 1409   koda = 1325 
14 - 7 : Pržan - Nove Jarše 
length = 1385   koda = 1326 
15 - 7L : Pržan - Letališka 
length = 1427   koda = 1327 
16 - 8 : Brnčičeva - Brod 
length = 1511   koda = 1375 
17 - 9 : Barje P+R - Štepanjsko naselje 
length = 1331   koda = 1269 
18 - 10 : Zadobrova - Podgrad 
length = 1319   koda = 1376 
19 - 11 : Ježica P+R - Zalog 
length = 1553   koda = 1330 
20 - 11B : Bežigrad (Železna) - Zalog 
length = 1451   koda = 1331 
21 - 12 : Bežigrad (Železna) - Vevče 
length = 1325   koda = 1377 
22 - 12D : Bežigrad (Železna) - Dragomelj 
length = 1289   koda = 1381 
23 - 13 : Center Stožice P+R - Sostro 
length = 1409   koda = 1274 
24 - 14 : Savlje - Bokalce 
length = 1451   koda = 1335 
25 - 15 : Stanežiče - Medvode - Sora 
length = 1409   koda = 1336 
26 - 16 : Črni log - Trnovo 
length = 1253   koda = 1302 
27 - 18 : Kolodvor - ZOO - Center Stožice 
length = 1421   koda = 1337 
28 - 18L : Kolodvor - ZOO - Litostrojska 
length = 1235   koda = 1338 
29 - 19 : Tomačevo - Barje 
length = 1391   koda = 1382 
30 - 19I : Tomačevo - Iška vas obračališče 
length = 1511   koda = 1383 
31 - 19Z : Jezero - Notranje Gorice 
length = 1133   koda = 1257 
32 - 20 : Nove Stožice - Fužine 
length = 1349   koda = 1341 
33 - 20Z : Nove Stožice Zalog - preko Fužin 
length = 1481   koda = 1342 
34 - 21 : Beričevo - Ježica 
length = 1277   koda = 1384 
35 - 21Z : Gameljne - Vižmarje 
length = 1151   koda = 1385 
36 - 22 : Kamna Gorica - Fužine 
length = 1373   koda = 1344 
37 - 23 : Podutik - Kamna Gorica 
length = 1193   koda = 976 
38 - 24 : BTC Atlantis - Vevče 
length = 1337   koda = 1363 
39 - 25 : Medvode - Zadobrova 
length = 1523   koda = 1345 
40 - 26 : Mali Lipoglav - Tuji grm 
length = 1541   koda = 846 
41 - 27 : Letališka - BTC - NS Rudnik 
length = 1457   koda = 1386 
42 - 30 : Medvode - Vodice 
length = 1247   koda = 1139 
43 - 51 : Ljubljana-Dobrova-Polhov Gradec 
length = 1403   koda = 963 
44 - 52 : Polhov Gradec-Črni vrh 
length = 1211   koda = 646 
45 - 53 : Polhov Gradec-Suhi dol 
length = 1199   koda = 844 
46 - 56 : Ljubljana-Dobrova-Vrzdenec-Šentjošt 
length = 1439   koda = 648 
47 - 60 : Vodice - Ljubljana 
length = 1439   koda = 704 
48 - 61 : Vodice-Polje-Vodice 
length = 1289   koda = 817 

Constructing the LPP23 network

From the data frame LL we construct a multi-relational network LPP23. Each bus line determines a relation.

> K <- factor(line$koda,levels=line$koda)
> lineLab[as.integer(K)] <- line$proga
> LL$rel <- as.integer(factor(LL$ref,levels=levels(K)))
> LL$node <- as.integer(factor(LL$stop))
> LL$last <- as.integer(substr(LL$stop,nchar(LL$stop),nchar(LL$stop)))
> # LL$main <- as.integer(substr(LL$stop,1,nchar(LL$stop)-2))
> # LL$p <- as.integer(factor(LL$main))
> LL$lab[1280] <- LL$lab[1285] <- "Rakovnik S"
> LL$lab[2199] <- LL$lab[2216] <- LL$lab[2242] <- LL$lab[2264] <- "Koseze V"
> n <- max(LL$node)
> nodeNam <- nodeCode <- nodeClu <- rep(NA,n)
> clu <- file("LPP23.clu","w"); cat("*vertices",n,"\n",file=clu)
> net <- file("LPP23.net","w"); nam <- file("LPP23.nam","w")
> cat("*vertices",n,"\n",file=net); cat("*vertices",n,"\n",file=nam)
> for(i in 1:nrow(LL)){
+   v <- LL$node[i]
+   if(is.na(nodeNam[v])){nodeNam[v] <- LL$lab[i]; nodeCode[v] <- LL$stop[i]}
+ }
> p <- as.integer(factor(nodeNam))
> for(v in 1:n){
+   cat(v,' "',nodeCode[v],'"\n',sep="",file=nam)
+   cat(v,' "',nodeNam[v],'"\n',sep="",file=net)
+   cat(p[v],'\n',sep="",file=clu)
+ }
> r <- 0
> for(i in 1:nrow(LL)){
+   if(LL$rel[i] != r){
+     if(r>0) cat(v,s,'\n',file=net)
+     r <- LL$rel[i]; rLab <- lineLab[r]; s <- v <- LL$node[i]
+     cat("*arcs :",r,' "',rLab,'"\n',sep="",file=net)
+   } else {
+     u <- v; v <- LL$node[i]; cat(u,v,'\n',file=net)
+   }
+ }
> cat(v,s,'\n',file=net)
> close(net); close(nam); close(clu)
> max(p)
[1] 531 

In Pajek I simplified the network LPP23.net (shrinking of nodes according to the partition LP23.clu and replacing pairs of opposite arcs with edges):

Operations/Network+Partition/Shrinking [OK]
Network/Create new network/Transform/Arcs -> Edges/Bidirected only/Min

I saved the simplified network to the file LPP23edge.net. I manually improved the layout of the network and saved it to LPP23pic.net. I exported the picture in SVG format. Since I found the loops disturbing I created a partition counting the number of loops in a node (0-cyan, 1-yellow, 2-green, 3-red) and removed loops from the visualized network.

Network/Create vector/Get loops
Vector/Make partition/Truncating
Network/Create new network/Transform/Remove/Loops
Draw/Network+First partition
Export/2D/SVG/Multiple relations network

SVG picture of LPP23.
Map of daily bus lines September_2023.

Data cleaning

It turned out that there exist different stops with the same name (Rakovnik, Koseze). I renamed selected stops and rebuilt the network.

> ir <- which(LL$lab=="Rakovnik")
> LL[ir,]
          lab     stop  ref rel relLab node last   main   p
241  Rakovnik 503022-1 1321   5      3  594    1 503022 425
253  Rakovnik 503021-2 1321   5      3  593    2 503021 424
284  Rakovnik 503022-1 1374   6     3B  594    1 503022 425
308  Rakovnik 503021-2 1374   6     3B  593    2 503021 424
334  Rakovnik 503022-1 1303   7     3G  594    1 503022 425
394  Rakovnik 503021-2 1303   7     3G  593    2 503021 424
412  Rakovnik 503022-1 1223   8     N3  594    1 503022 425
424  Rakovnik 503021-2 1223   8     N3  593    2 503021 424
442  Rakovnik 503022-1 1224   9    N3B  594    1 503022 425
466  Rakovnik 503021-2 1224   9    N3B  593    2 503021 424
1280 Rakovnik 815212-1 1336  25     15 1204    1 815212 920
1285 Rakovnik 815211-2 1336  25     15 1203    2 815211 919
> LL$lab[1280] <- LL$lab[1285] <- "Rakovnik S"

> ir <- which(LL$lab=="Koseze")
> LL[ir,]
        lab     stop  ref rel relLab node last   main   p
481  Koseze 803141-1 1265  10      5 1059    1 803141 806
521  Koseze 803142-2 1265  10      5 1062    2 803142 807
531  Koseze 803141-1 1367  11     N5 1059    1 803141 806
571  Koseze 803142-2 1367  11     N5 1062    2 803142 807
1712 Koseze 803142-1 1344  36     22 1061    1 803142 807
1719 Koseze 803141-2 1344  36     22 1060    2 803141 806
2199 Koseze 826112-1  704  47     60 1253    1 826112 964
2216 Koseze 826111-2  704  47     60 1252    2 826111 963
2242 Koseze 826112-1  817  48     61 1253    1 826112 964
2264 Koseze 826111-2  817  48     61 1252    2 826111 963
> LL$lab[2199] <- LL$lab[2216] <- LL$lab[2242] <- LL$lab[2264] <- "Koseze V"

Maybe some stops should be merged (Polje obračališče / POLJE obr.)?

pajek/nets/mix/lpp.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/20 03:01 by vlado
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