2016/17: project 2

Select a network data set from the Icon index. The selected network should have at least 1000 labeled nodes and, to prevent duplication, send a reservation to my e-mail. If the selected network is not in Pajek's format you need first to convert it.

For the selected network, using Pajek:

  • determine basic network characteristics (directed/undirected; weights?; number of nodes, number of links, number of components; largest degree, diameter, acyclic?, …).
  • draw the degree (in directed also indegree and outdegree) distribution. List 20 nodes of largest degree.
  • determine the most important nodes.
  • determine some interesting subnetworks of your network and draw them. Interpret the results.

Write a report.

Selected networks

  1. Andrej Srakar: American Physical Society academic graph
  2. Daria Malceva: Scientific collaborations in network science (2006)
  3. Dunja Rosina: Python Dependency Network
  4. Tanja Knific: Yeast interactome (2003)
pajek/ev/pde/p17b.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/01 13:55 by vlado
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