Some hints

Some comments on reports on Project1:

1. You correctly used multiple relations to encode indifference, repulsion and attraction.

2. Usually, the colors of nodes and links are not hard-wired into the input file ( ic White bc Black, c Gray35, …). You can select them before drawing using
Options/Colors/Edges/Relation number [On]
Options/Colors/Arcs/Relation number [On]
Options/Colors/Relation colors [to change the color click on the color and enter the number of the selected color]

3. The picture you produced doesn't resemble the given picture. Draw a picture using Kamada-Kawai and afterward move nodes manually on the screen to positions close to their positions in the original picture. To try to do it better, draw the picture using Kamada-Kawai and afterward manually improve the [Draw]/Info criteria.

Project 1

ru/hse/nets22/pro/hints1.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/14 14:46 by vlado
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