SDA - software

Packages in R

prepared by Maria do Rosário de Oliveira Silva

A new package dataSDA (June 2023) with SDA datasets appeared. PDF

The total number of downloads done in 2022 for each package is obtained according to the same package.

  1. MAINT.Data: Model and Analyse Interval Data
    • Implements methodologies for modelling interval data by Normal and Skew-Normal distributions, considering appropriate parameterizations of the variance-covariance matrix. Parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood or robust trimmed maximum likelihood methods. In 2022 it registered 6361 downloads.
  2. RSDA: R to Symbolic Data Analysis
    • This package implements, in the symbolic case, certain techniques of automatic classification, as well as some linear models. In 2022 it registered 5848 downloads.
  3. HistDAWass: Histogram-Valued Data Analysis
    • The package contains unsupervised classification techniques, least squares regression, and tools for histogram-valued data and for histogram time series. The methods and the basic statistics are mainly based on the L2 Wasserstein distance. In 2022 it registered 5124 downloads.
  4. mdsOpt: Searching for Optimal MDS Procedure for Metric and Interval-Valued Data
    • Select the optimal multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure for metric and interval-valued data. This package also does conventional MDS. In 2022 it registered 4245 downloads.
  5. symbolicDA: Analysis of Symbolic Data
    • Implements several symbolic data analysis estimation and visualization methods, including MDS, clustering, decision trees, and kernel discriminant analysis, among others, for symbolic data. In 2022 it registered 3573 downloads.
  6. iRegression: Regression Methods for Interval-Valued Variables
    • Contains some important regression methods for interval-valued variables. In 2022 it registered 3130 downloads.
  7. GraphPCA: Graphical Tools of Histogram PCA
    • Extends PCA for histogram-valued data. In 2022 it registered 2661 downloads.
  8. ggESDA: Exploratory Symbolic Data Analysis with ggplot2
    • Implements an extension of ggplot2 and visualizes the symbolic data with multiple plots. In 2022 it registered 3287 downloads.

Older software links

  • Oldemar Rodriguez: RSDA/CRAN,PROMiDAT, GitHub
  • Andrzej Dudek: symbolicDA, CRAN
  • Antonio Irpino: HistDAWass: Histogram-Valued Data Analysis. CRAN
  • Vladimir Batagelj, Nataša Kejžar: Clamix. R-forge
  • MAINT.Data : Implements methodologies for modelling Interval Data, considering five different possible configurations structures for the variance-covariance matrix. It performs maximum likelihood estimation and statistical tests as well as (M)ANOVA and Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for all considered configurations.

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