
8. May 2011

Internal structures of clustering procedures in R

  > x <- c(0,0,1,2,3)
  > y <- c(2,3,1,3,4)
  > U <- cbind(x,y)
  > r <- hclust(d<-dist(U))
  > names(r)
  [1] "merge"     "height"    "order"     "labels"    "method"    "call"      "dist.method"
  > plot(r,hang=-1)
  > r$merge
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]   -1   -2
  [2,]   -4   -5
  [3,]   -3    1
  [4,]    2    3
  > plot(x,y,pch=20,cex=1.5); text(x+0.1,y,1:5)

Procedure for alternative cutting of clusters

  varCutree <- function(R,var,vmin,vmax){
    mark <- function(t,c){
      if(t<0) part[-t] <<- c else {mark(R$merge[t,1],c); mark(R$merge[t,2],c)}
    n <- length(var); part <- rep(NA,n); nclust <- 0
    value <- cbind(var,0)
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(j<0,value[-j,1],value[j,2])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(j<0,value[-j,1],value[j,2])
      value[i,2] <- a+b
    value[n,2] <- 0
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      if(value[i,2]<=vmax) next
      l <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(l<0,value[-l,1],value[l,2])
      r <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(r<0,value[-r,1],value[r,2])
      if(min(a,b)>vmax) next
      if(a<=vmax) if(a>=vmin) {nclust <- nclust+1; mark(l,nclust)} else mark(l,0)
      if(b<=vmax) if(b>=vmin) {nclust <- nclust+1; mark(r,nclust)} else mark(r,0)    

  > x <- c(0,0,1,2,3,3,0,5,7,9,7,9)
  > y <- c(2,3,1,3,4,3,9,8,6,5,3,8)
  > U <- cbind(x,y)
  > plot(x,y,pch=20,cex=1.5,xlim=c(0,10),main="Units"); text(x+0.3,y,1:12)
  > r <- hclust(dist(U))
  > plot(r,hang=-1)
  > rr <- varCutree(r,rep(1,12),2,5)
  > rr$part
   [1] 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 3 3 3 3 3
  > table(rr$part)
  0 1 2 3 
  1 3 3 5 
  > (rc <- cutree(r,k=4))
   [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 3
  > table(rc)
  1 2 3 4 
  6 1 2 3 

Improved version of procedure for incomplete clusterings

  varCutree <- function(R,var,vmin,vmax){
    mark <- function(t,c){
      if(t<0) part[-t] <<- c else {mark(R$merge[t,1],c); mark(R$merge[t,2],c)}
    n <- length(var); part <- rep(999999,n); nclust <- 0
    value <- cbind(var,rep(0,n))
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; if(j==0) next 
      a <- ifelse(j<0,value[-j,1],value[j,2])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; if(j==0) next 
      b <- ifelse(j<0,value[-j,1],value[j,2])
      value[i,2] <- a+b
    value[n,2] <- 0
    for(i in 1:(n-1)){
      if(value[i,2]<=vmax) next
      l <- R$merge[i,1]; r <- R$merge[i,2] 
      if(l==0) a <- 0 else a <- ifelse(l<0,value[-l,1],value[l,2])
      if(r==0) b <- 0 else b <- ifelse(r<0,value[-r,1],value[r,2])
      if(min(a,b)>vmax) next
      if(a<=vmax) if(a>=vmin) {nclust <- nclust+1; mark(l,nclust)} else mark(l,0)
      if(b<=vmax) if(b>=vmin) {nclust <- nclust+1; mark(r,nclust)} else mark(r,0)    

Transforming Pajek's hierarchical clusterings into R's

  tree <- as.integer(read.csv("./cluster/AvgTol.clu",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1)
  N <- length(tree); n <- (N+1) %/% 2
  merge <- matrix(0,nrow=(n-1),ncol=2)
  for(i in 1:n) if(tree[i]>0){
    k <- tree[i]-n
    if(merge[k,1]==0) merge[k,1] <- -i else merge[k,2] <- -i
  for(i in (n+1):N) if(tree[i]>0){
    k <- tree[i]-n; j <- i-n 
    if(merge[k,1]==0) merge[k,1] <- j else merge[k,2] <- j
  > RC <- list(merge=merge,n=n)
  > rC <- varCutree(RC,rep(1,3110),10,800)
  > table(rC$part)
    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21 
  729 794 600 130  97  17  13  10 337  40  20  12  25  19  11  32 116  42  10  18  16  14 
  > out <- file("CRc.clu","w"); cat("*vertices 3110",rC$part,sep="\n",file=out); close(out) 

Derived dendrograms

  rankTree <- function(R){
    nm <- length(R$height)
    rank <- rep(0,nm)
    for (i in 1:nm){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(j<0,0,rank[j])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(j<0,0,rank[j])
      rank[i] <- 1+max(a,b)
  countTree <- function(R){
    nm <- length(R$height)
    count <- rep(1,nm)
    for (i in 1:nm){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(j<0,1,count[j])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(j<0,1,count[j])
      count[i] <- a+b
  errorTree <- function(R){
    nm <- length(R$height)
    error <- rep(0,nm)
    for (i in 1:nm){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(j<0,0,error[j])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(j<0,0,error[j])
      error[i] <- a+b+R$height[i]
  > T = matrix( c( 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 4, 12, 6, 15, 8, 12,
        10, 9, 11, 13, 12, 4, 14, 2, 14, 11, 15, 4, 16, 2 ), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  > rownames(T) <- letters[1:nrow(T)]; colnames(T) <- c('X','Y')
  > plot(T,main='Example 1'); text(T[,1]+0.3,T[,2]-0.4,rownames(T))
  > D <- dist(T)
  > t <- hclust(D,method="ward")
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=0.4,main="Example 1/Ward")
  > H <- t$height; N <- rankTree(t); t$height <- N
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=0.4,main="Example 1/Ward/rank")
  > t$height <- H
  > E <- errorTree(t); t$height <- E
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=0.4,main="Example 1/Ward/P")
  > t$height <- log(E)
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=0.4,main="Example 1/Ward/log P")
  > t$height <- sqrt(E)
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=0.4,main="Example 1/Ward/sqrt P")

All three procedures in one

  derivedTree <- function(R,type='rank'){
    if (type == 'total') { c <- 0; ex <- expression(a+b+R$height[i]) }
    else if (type == 'count') { c <- 1; ex <- expression(a+b) }
    else  { c <- 0; ex <- expression(1+max(a,b)) }
    nm <- length(R$height)
    h <- rep(c,nm)
    for (i in 1:nm){
      j <- R$merge[i,1]; a <- ifelse(j<0,c,h[j])
      j <- R$merge[i,2]; b <- ifelse(j<0,c,h[j])
      h[i] <- eval(ex)


  > T = matrix( c(  0,  5,   1,  1,   1,  3,   1,  4,   2,  2,   2, 15,
  +        3,  1,   3,  2,   4, 10,   6, 14,   8,  1,   8,  9,   9,  3,
  +       10, 13,  11,  2,  11,  5,  13,  2,  14,  4,  14, 15,  15,  0 ),
  +     ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  > T <- T+1
  > rownames(T) <- letters[1:nrow(T)]; colnames(T) <- c('X','Y')
  > plot(T,main='Example',col="red",pch=16,cex=1.5)
  > text(T[,1]+0.3,T[,2]-0.4,rownames(T))
  > D <- dist(T)
  > t <- hclust(D,method="ward")
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=1.0,main="Example/Ward")
  > H <- t$height; t$height <- derivedTree(t,'count')
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=1.0,main="Example/Ward/count")
  > t$height <- H; t$height <- derivedTree(t,'rank')
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=1.0,main="Example/Ward/rank")
  > t$height <- H; t$height <- derivedTree(t,'total')
  > plot(t,hang=-1,cex=1.0,main="Example/Ward/total")

notes/clu/cluster.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/10 23:43 by vlado
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