
Reading the data

I downloaded (November 2012) the data from the fuelEconomy page. Unziping the file we get the file vehicles.csv.

> setwd("C:/Users/Batagelj/data/fuelEconomy")
> a <- read.csv("./vehicles.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",",dec=".",quote='"',
+ na.strings="",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> dim(a)
[1] 33057    71
> names(a)
 [1] "barrels08"       "barrelsA08"      "charge120"       "charge240"       "city08"         
 [6] "city08U"         "cityA08"         "cityA08U"        "cityCD"          "cityE"          
[11] "cityUF"          "co2"             "co2A"            "co2TailpipeAGpm" "co2TailpipeGpm" 
[16] "comb08"          "comb08U"         "combA08"         "combA08U"        "combE"          
[21] "combinedCD"      "combinedUF"      "cylinders"       "displ"           "drive"          
[26] "engId"           "eng_dscr"        "feScore"         "fuelCost08"      "fuelCostA08"    
[31] "fuelType"        "fuelType1"       "ghgScore"        "ghgScoreA"       "highway08"      
[36] "highway08U"      "highwayA08"      "highwayA08U"     "highwayCD"       "highwayE"       
[41] "highwayUF"       "hlv"             "hpv"             "id"              "lv2"            
[46] "lv4"             "make"            "model"           "mpgData"         "phevBlended"    
[51] "pv2"             "pv4"             "rangeCityA"      "rangeHwyA"       "trany"          
[56] "UCity"           "UCityA"          "UHighway"        "UHighwayA"       "VClass"         
[61] "year"            "youSaveSpend"    "guzzler"         "trans_dscr"      "tCharger"       
[66] "sCharger"        "atvType"         "fuelType2"       "rangeA"          "evMotor"        
[71] "mfrCode" 

There are data about 33057 car types described with 71 variables. To get the first impression of the data we list first five descriptions.

> head(a)
  barrels08 barrelsA08 charge120 charge240 city08 city08U cityA08 cityA08U cityCD cityE cityUF
1  15.68944          0         0         0     19       0       0        0      0     0      0
2  29.95056          0         0         0      9       0       0        0      0     0      0
3  12.19557          0         0         0     23       0       0        0      0     0      0
4  29.95056          0         0         0     10       0       0        0      0     0      0
5  17.33749          0         0         0     17       0       0        0      0     0      0
6  14.96429          0         0         0     21       0       0        0      0     0      0
  co2 co2A co2TailpipeAGpm co2TailpipeGpm comb08 comb08U combA08 combA08U combE combinedCD
1  -1   -1               0       423.1905     21       0       0        0     0          0
2  -1   -1               0       807.9091     11       0       0        0     0          0
3  -1   -1               0       329.1481     27       0       0        0     0          0
4  -1   -1               0       807.9091     11       0       0        0     0          0
5  -1   -1               0       467.7368     19       0       0        0     0          0
6  -1   -1               0       403.9545     22       0       0        0     0          0
  combinedUF cylinders displ                      drive engId   eng_dscr feScore fuelCost08
1          0         4   2.0           Rear-Wheel Drive  9011      (FFS)      -1       2500
2          0        12   4.9           Rear-Wheel Drive 22020  (GUZZLER)      -1       4750
3          0         4   2.2          Front-Wheel Drive  2100      (FFS)      -1       1950
4          0         8   5.2           Rear-Wheel Drive  2850       <NA>      -1       4750
5          0         4   2.2 4-Wheel or All-Wheel Drive 66031 (FFS,TRBO)      -1       3000
6          0         4   1.8          Front-Wheel Drive 66020      (FFS)      -1       2400
  fuelCostA08 fuelType        fuelType1 ghgScore ghgScoreA highway08 highway08U highwayA08
1           0  Regular Regular Gasoline       -1        -1        25          0          0
2           0  Regular Regular Gasoline       -1        -1        14          0          0
3           0  Regular Regular Gasoline       -1        -1        33          0          0
4           0  Regular Regular Gasoline       -1        -1        12          0          0
5           0  Premium Premium Gasoline       -1        -1        23          0          0
6           0  Regular Regular Gasoline       -1        -1        24          0          0
  highwayA08U highwayCD highwayE highwayUF hlv hpv    id lv2 lv4       make
1           0         0        0         0   0   0     1   0   0 Alfa Romeo
2           0         0        0         0   0   0    10   0   0    Ferrari
3           0         0        0         0  19  77   100   0   0      Dodge
4           0         0        0         0   0   0  1000   0   0      Dodge
5           0         0        0         0   0   0 10000   0  14     Subaru
6           0         0        0         0   0   0 10001   0  15     Subaru
                model mpgData phevBlended pv2 pv4 rangeCityA rangeHwyA           trany   UCity
1  Spider Veloce 2000       Y       false   0   0          0         0    Manual 5-spd 23.3333
2          Testarossa       N       false   0   0          0         0    Manual 5-spd 11.0000
3             Charger       Y       false   0   0          0         0    Manual 5-spd 29.0000
4 B150/B250 Wagon 2WD       N       false   0   0          0         0 Automatic 3-spd 12.2222
5    Legacy AWD Turbo       N       false   0  90          0         0    Manual 5-spd 21.0000
6              Loyale       N       false   0  88          0         0 Automatic 3-spd 27.0000
  UCityA UHighway UHighwayA          VClass year youSaveSpend guzzler trans_dscr tCharger
1      0  35.0000         0     Two Seaters 1985        -1000    <NA>       <NA>       NA
2      0  19.0000         0     Two Seaters 1985       -12250       T       <NA>       NA
3      0  47.0000         0 Subcompact Cars 1985         1750    <NA>        SIL       NA
4      0  16.6667         0            Vans 1985       -12250    <NA>       <NA>       NA
5      0  32.0000         0    Compact Cars 1993        -3500    <NA>       <NA>     TRUE
6      0  33.0000         0    Compact Cars 1993         -500    <NA>       <NA>       NA
  sCharger atvType fuelType2 rangeA evMotor mfrCode
1     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
2     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
3     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
4     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
5     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>
6     <NA>    <NA>      <NA>   <NA>    <NA>    <NA>

Selection of variables

We first list the basic info about all variables:

> Na <- names(a)
> for(i in 1:length(t)) {
+   v <- Na[i]; V <- a[[v]]; tv <- typeof(V)
+   cat('\n',i,v,':',tv,'\n') 
+   print(summary(V))
+   cat('    NA =',sum(is.na(V)))
+   if((tv=="double")||(tv=="integer")) cat('    Nonzero =',sum(V!=0),'\n')
+   if(tv=="character") { F <- factor(V); L <- length(levels(F))
+     cat("    Levels =",L,'\n'); if(L<50) print(levels(F)) }
+ }

 1 barrels08 : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
 0.05989 14.96000 17.34000 17.90000 20.59000 47.07000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 2 barrelsA08 : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.1823  0.0000  8.3200 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 1000 

 3 charge120 : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      0       0       0       0       0       0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 0 

 4 charge240 : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000711 0.000000 6.000000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 5 city08 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    6.0    15.0    17.0    17.4    20.0   138.0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 6 city08U : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.433   0.000 138.300 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 2415 

 7 cityA08 : integer 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.3484   0.0000 108.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 1000 

 8 cityA08U : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.1245   0.0000 108.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 327 

 9 cityCD : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 2.12e-05 0.00e+00 3.50e-01 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 2 

 10 cityE : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.06942   0.00000 122.00000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 48 

 11 cityUF : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0001124 0.0000000 0.6800000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 12 co2 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  -1.00   -1.00   -1.00   12.72   -1.00  847.00 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33016 

 13 co2A : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 -1.000  -1.000  -1.000   1.322  -1.000 719.000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 14 co2TailpipeAGpm : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    0.00    0.00   15.54    0.00  719.00 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 993 

 15 co2TailpipeGpm : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    0.0   404.0   467.7   483.4   555.4  1270.0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33016 

 16 comb08 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    7.0    16.0    19.0    19.6    22.0   121.0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 17 comb08U : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.623   0.000 120.900 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 2415 

 18 combA08 : integer 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.3991   0.0000 100.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 1000 

 19 combA08U : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.1417   0.0000 100.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 327 

 20 combE : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.07321   0.00000 121.00000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 48 

 21 combinedCD : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 1.154e-05 0.000e+00 1.907e-01 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 2 

 22 combinedUF : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0001094 0.0000000 0.6600000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 23 cylinders : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 9    Levels = 11 
 [1] "-"  "10" "12" "16" "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "8"  "NA"

 24 displ : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 9    Levels = 68 

 25 drive : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 2067    Levels = 7 
[1] "2-Wheel Drive"              "4-Wheel Drive"              "4-Wheel or All-Wheel Drive"
[4] "All-Wheel Drive"            "Front-Wheel Drive"          "Part-time 4-Wheel Drive"   
[7] "Rear-Wheel Drive"          

 26 engId : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      0       0     522   10110    4845   69100 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 20459 

 27 eng_dscr : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 13717    Levels = 516 

 28 feScore : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -0.7957 -1.0000 10.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 29 fuelCost08 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    500    2400    2850    2914    3250    8150 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 30 fuelCostA08 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    0.0     0.0     0.0   118.9     0.0  5400.0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 997 

 31 fuelType : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 12 
 [1] "CNG"                         "Diesel"                      "Electricity"                
 [4] "Gasoline or E85"             "Gasoline or natural gas"     "Gasoline or propane"        
 [7] "Midgrade"                    "Premium"                     "Premium Gas or Electricity" 
[10] "Premium or E85"              "Regular"                     "Regular Gas and Electricity"

 32 fuelType1 : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 6 
[1] "Diesel"            "Electricity"       "Midgrade Gasoline" "Natural Gas"      
[5] "Premium Gasoline"  "Regular Gasoline" 

 33 ghgScore : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -0.7963 -1.0000 10.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 34 ghgScoreA : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -0.9775 -1.0000  8.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33055 

 35 highway08 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
    9.0    19.0    23.0    23.4    27.0   105.0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 36 highway08U : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.954   0.000 104.800 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 2415 

 37 highwayA08 : integer 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.4846   0.0000 102.0000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 1000 

 38 highwayA08U : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.1725   0.0000 102.5000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 327 

 39 highwayCD : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      0       0       0       0       0       0 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 0 

 40 highwayE : double 
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.07794   0.00000 120.00000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 48 

 41 highwayUF : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000105 0.000000 0.650000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 42 hlv : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   2.076   0.000  49.000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 4143 

 43 hpv : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    0.00    0.00   10.66    0.00  195.00 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 4142 

 44 id : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      1    8265   16530   16590   24970   33340 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 45 lv2 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   1.901   0.000  41.000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 5509 

 46 lv4 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  0.000   0.000   0.000   6.242  13.000  55.000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 11637 

 47 make : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 128 

 48 model : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 3020 

 49 mpgData : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 2 
[1] "N" "Y"

 50 phevBlended : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 2 
[1] "false" "true" 

 51 pv2 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    0.00    0.00   13.83    0.00  194.00 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 5498 

 52 pv4 : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00    0.00    0.00   33.43   90.00  192.00 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 11637 

 53 rangeCityA : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
 0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00581  0.00000 39.92000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 54 rangeHwyA : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
 0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00536  0.00000 36.30000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 7 

 55 trany : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 14    Levels = 42 
 [1] "Auto (AV-S6)"                     "Auto (AV-S8)"                    
 [3] "Auto (AV)"                        "Auto(A1)"                        
 [5] "Auto(A8)"                         "Auto(AM-S6)"                     
 [7] "Auto(AM-S7)"                      "Auto(AM5)"                       
 [9] "Auto(AM6)"                        "Auto(AM7)"                       
[11] "Auto(AV-S6)"                      "Auto(AV-S7)"                     
[13] "Auto(AV-S8)"                      "Auto(L3)"                        
[15] "Auto(L4)"                         "Automatic (A1)"                  
[17] "Automatic (A6)"                   "Automatic (AM-S6)"               
[19] "Automatic (AM-S7)"                "Automatic (AM5)"                 
[21] "Automatic (AM6)"                  "Automatic (AV-S6)"               
[23] "Automatic (AV)"                   "Automatic (S4)"                  
[25] "Automatic (S5)"                   "Automatic (S6)"                  
[27] "Automatic (S7)"                   "Automatic (S8)"                  
[29] "Automatic (variable gear ratios)" "Automatic 3-spd"                 
[31] "Automatic 4-spd"                  "Automatic 5-spd"                 
[33] "Automatic 6-spd"                  "Automatic 7-spd"                 
[35] "Automatic 8-spd"                  "Manual 3-spd"                    
[37] "Manual 4-spd"                     "Manual 4-spd Doubled"            
[39] "Manual 5-spd"                     "Manual 5 spd"                    
[41] "Manual 6-spd"                     "Manual 7-spd"                    

 56 UCity : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00   18.00   21.00   21.83   24.56  197.60 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33032 

 57 UCityA : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.4161   0.0000 154.3000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 954 

 58 UHighway : double 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   0.00   26.88   32.00   32.58   37.10  149.70 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33032 

 59 UHighwayA : double 
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
  0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.6402   0.0000 146.4000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 954 

 60 VClass : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 0    Levels = 30 
 [1] "Compact Cars"                 "Large Cars"                  
 [3] "Midsize-Large Station Wagons" "Midsize Cars"                
 [5] "Midsize Station Wagons"       "Minicompact Cars"            
 [7] "Minivan - 2WD"                "Minivan - 4WD"               
 [9] "Small Pickup Trucks"          "Small Pickup Trucks 2WD"     
[11] "Small Pickup Trucks 4WD"      "Small Station Wagons"        
[13] "Special Purpose Vehicle"      "Special Purpose Vehicle 2WD" 
[15] "Special Purpose Vehicle 4WD"  "Special Purpose Vehicles"    
[17] "Special Purpose Vehicles/2wd" "Special Purpose Vehicles/4wd"
[19] "Sport Utility Vehicle - 2WD"  "Sport Utility Vehicle - 4WD" 
[21] "Standard Pickup Trucks"       "Standard Pickup Trucks 2WD"  
[23] "Standard Pickup Trucks 4WD"   "Standard Pickup Trucks/2wd"  
[25] "Subcompact Cars"              "Two Seaters"                 
[27] "Vans"                         "Vans Passenger"              
[29] "Vans, Cargo Type"             "Vans, Passenger Type"        

 61 year : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1984    1989    1998    1998    2006    2013 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 33057 

 62 youSaveSpend : integer 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 -29250   -4750   -2750   -3072    -500    9000 
    NA = 0    Nonzero = 31588 

 63 guzzler : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 31103    Levels = 3 
[1] "G" "S" "T"

 64 trans_dscr : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 18011    Levels = 52 

 65 tCharger : logical 
   Mode    TRUE    NA's 
logical    3385   29672 
    NA = 29672
 66 sCharger : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 32623    Levels = 1 
[1] "S"

 67 atvType : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 30397    Levels = 9 
[1] "avail"          "Bifuel (CNG)"   "Bifuel (LPG)"   "CNG"            "Diesel"        
[6] "EV"             "FFV"            "Hybrid"         "Plug-in Hybrid"

 68 fuelType2 : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 32057    Levels = 4 
[1] "E85"         "Electricity" "Natural Gas" "Propane"    

 69 rangeA : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 32062    Levels = 89 

 70 evMotor : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 32803    Levels = 46 
 [1] "100 kW DCPM"          "101V Ni-MH"           "102kW AC Induction"  
 [4] "107 kW AC Induction"  "111 kW"               "115 kW AC Induction" 
 [7] "115V Li-Ion"          "125 kW AC Induction"  "126V Li-Ion"         
[10] "144V Li-Ion"          "144V Ni-MH"           "150 kW"              
[13] "158V Ni-MH"           "18 kW"                "2 @ 150 kw (300 kw)" 
[16] "202V Ni-MH"           "24 KW AC Synchronous" "245V Ni-MH"          
[19] "266V Li-Ion"          "27 KW AC Induction"   "270V Li-Ion"         
[22] "275V Ni-MH"           "288V Ni-MH"           "30 kW DCPM"          
[25] "300V Ni-MH"           "312V Ni-MH"           "330V Ni-MH"          
[28] "346V Li-Ion"          "36V Ni-MH"            "374V Li-Ion"         
[31] "49 kW DC Brushless"   "49kW DC Brushless"    "50 KW DC"            
[34] "52 kW AC Induction"   "55 kW DCPM"           "56kW AC Induction"   
[37] "62 KW AC Induction"   "66 kW DCPM"           "67 KW AC"            
[40] "67 KW AC  Induction"  "67 KW AC Induction"   "68 kW"               
[43] "80 kW DCPM"           "83 kWh"               "85 kW AC Induction"  
[46] "92 kW DC Brushless"  

 71 mfrCode : character 
   Length     Class      Mode 
    33057 character character 
    NA = 30820    Levels = 37 
 [1] "ADX" "ASX" "AZD" "BEX" "BGT" "BMX" "CDA" "CRX" "DSX" "FEX" "FJX" "FMX" "FSK" "GMX" "HNX"
[16] "HYX" "JCX" "KMX" "LRX" "LTX" "MAX" "MBX" "MLN" "MTX" "NLX" "NSX" "PRX" "RII" "RRG" "SAX"
[31] "SKX" "TKX" "TSL" "TVP" "TYX" "VVX" "VWX"

Simona's proposal:

 1 barrels08       annual petroleum consumption in barrels for fuelType1  letna poraba goriva 
 5 city08          city MPG for fuelType1                                 mestna poraba 
15 co2TailpipeGpm  tailpipe CO2 in grams/mile for fuelType1               izpuh CO2 
16 comb08          combined MPG for fuelType1                             skupna poraba MPG 
                                                                           (1985-2007 ocenjen)
23 cylinders       engine cylinders                                       število valjev
24 displ           engine displacement in liters                          prostornina motorja
25 drive           drive axle type                                        pogon
26 engId           EPA model type index                                   indeks izračunan po EPA 
32 fuelType1       For single fuel vehicles, this will be the only fuel.  (običajen) tip goriva
                   For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the conventional
35 highway08       highway MPG for fuelType1                              poraba na avtocesti
47 make            manufacturer (division)                                proizvajalec
48 model           model name (carline)                                   model avta
55 trany           transmission                                           menjalnik
60 VClass          EPA vehicle size class                                 oznaka EPA velikosti vozila

EPA = Environmental Protection Agency; MPG = mile/gallon

The variable 44 id contains a unique id of the car type.

May be also the variable 27 can be converted to something useful.

> V <- a[[27]]
> t <- table(V)
> length(t)
[1] 516
> sort(t,decreasing=TRUE)[1:20]
                       (FFS)                         SIDI               (FFS) CA model 
                        8828                         1020                          926 
           (FFS)      (MPFI)                   (FFS,TRBO)                          FFV 
                         734                          666                          454 
              (350 V8) (FFS)             (GUZZLER)  (FFS)                         SOHC 
                         411                          366                          354 
                    (NO-CAT)                    FLEX-FUEL                      GUZZLER 
                         238                          198                          195 
           (FFS)      (SPFI) (GUZZLER)  (FFS)      (MPFI)                     (350 V8) 
                         194                          122                          120 
                    CA model       (350 V8) (FFS)  (MPFI)                    (GM-CHEV) 
                         113                          106                          102 
            DOHC       (FFS)                     (DIESEL) 
                          96                           95 
> U <- factor(V)
> levels(U)

For example - replacing by logical variables FFS, MPFI, GUZZLER, TRBO, SOHC, DOHC, DIESEL, …

> V <- a[[29]]
> plot(sort(V))
> table(a[[49]])

    N     Y 
22368 10689 
> table(a[[50]])

false  true 
33054     3 

Variables 29 fuelCost08, 31 fuelType, 49 mpgData, 56 UCity, 58 UHighway, 61 year, 62 youSaveSpend also seem OK. Instead of variable 48 model the variable 47 make seems better???

As we see some variables have only few “nonzero” values. May be some of them can be combined into a single variable??? Can the variables 51 pv2 and 52 pv4 be merged? What about variables 45 lv2, 46 lv4, 42 hlv, 43 hpv ???

hlv - hatchback luggage volume (cubic feet) 
hpv - hatchback passenger volume (cubic feet) 
lv2 - 2 door luggage volume (cubic feet) 
lv4 - 4 door luggage volume (cubic feet) 
pv2 - 2-door passenger volume (cubic feet) 
pv4 - 4-door passenger volume (cubic feet) 

Transform into 3 variables: luggage volume, passenger volume, type (2 door, 4 door, hatchback) ???

> x <- a[[42]]
> y <- a[[45]]
> z <- a[[46]]
> w <- x+y+z
> sum(w>0)
[1] 17741
> t <- (x>0)+(y>0)*2+(z>0)*4
> table(t)
    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7 
15316  2596  3204   304  8684   952  1710   291 
> w <- x+pmax(y,z)
> plot(sort(w))

The variables 47 make and 48 model (and if necessary, 61 year or 60 VClass) can be combined into a unique car name ???


How to construct a unique car type label. I tried the combinations suggested on Wikipedia:

  • make:model
  • make:model-year
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],sep="")
> head(b)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000" "Ferrari:Testarossa"           
[3] "Dodge:Charger"                 "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD"    
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo"       "Subaru:Loyale"                
> d <- duplicated(b)
> sum(d)
[1] 29975
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],sep="")
> d <- duplicated(b)
> sum(d)
[1] 19162
> head(b)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000-1985" "Ferrari:Testarossa-1985"           
[3] "Dodge:Charger-1985"                 "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD-1985"    
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo-1993"       "Subaru:Loyale-1993"                
> id <- a[[44]]
> d <- duplicated(id)
> sum(d)
[1] 0
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],sep="")
> head(b)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000-1985/Manual 5-spd"
[2] "Ferrari:Testarossa-1985/Manual 5-spd"           
[3] "Dodge:Charger-1985/Manual 5-spd"                
[4] "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD-1985/Automatic 3-spd" 
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo-1993/Manual 5-spd"      
[6] "Subaru:Loyale-1993/Automatic 3-spd"             
> d <- duplicated(b)
> sum(d)
[1] 11012 
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],"/",a[[49]],sep="")
> sum(duplicated(b))
[1] 8729
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],"/",a[[31]],sep="")
> sum(duplicated(b))
[1] 8936
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],"/",a[[25]],sep="")
> sum(duplicated(b))
[1] 10799
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],"/",a[[23]],sep="")
> sum(duplicated(b))
[1] 7587
> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],"/",a[[55]],"/",a[[27]],sep="")
> sum(duplicated(b))
[1] 6172
> head(b)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000-1985/Manual 5-spd/(FFS)"
[2] "Ferrari:Testarossa-1985/Manual 5-spd/(GUZZLER)"       
[3] "Dodge:Charger-1985/Manual 5-spd/(FFS)"                
[4] "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD-1985/Automatic 3-spd/NA"    
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo-1993/Manual 5-spd/(FFS,TRBO)" 
[6] "Subaru:Loyale-1993/Automatic 3-spd/(FFS)"             

For the labels make+model+year we get the following maximal numbers of duplicates

> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],"-",a[[61]],sep="")
> t <- table(b)
> length(t)
[1] 13895
> sort(t,decreasing=TRUE)[1:20]
  Jeep:Cherokee/Wagoneer-1985 Chevrolet:C10 Pickup 2WD-1984 
                           24                            19 
    Ford:F150 Pickup 2WD-1984       GMC:C15 Pickup 2WD-1984 
                           19                            19 
Chevrolet:C10 Pickup 2WD-1985 Chevrolet:S10 Pickup 2WD-1984 
                           18                            18 
      GMC:C15 Pickup 2WD-1985       GMC:S15 Pickup 2WD-1984 
                           18                            18 
Chevrolet:C10 Pickup 2WD-1986  Dodge:Ram 50 Pickup 2WD-1984 
                           17                            17 
  Ford:Ranger Pickup 2WD-1984       GMC:C15 Pickup 2WD-1986 
                           17                            17 
    Mitsubishi:Truck 2WD-1984 Chevrolet:G10/20 Van 2WD-1984 
                           17                            16 
             Ford:Escort-1984              Ford:Escort-1985 
                           16                            16 
    Ford:F150 Pickup 2WD-1985   GMC:Vandura G15/25 2WD-1984 
                           16                            16 
            Mercury:Lynx-1984        Volkswagen:Rabbit-1984 
                           16                            16 

and for the labels make+model

> b <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],sep="")
> t <- table(b)
> length(t)
[1] 3082
> sort(t,decreasing=TRUE)[1:20]
      Ford:F150 Pickup 2WD       Ford:F150 Pickup 4WD     Ford:Ranger Pickup 2WD 
                       197                        175                        169 
              Ford:Mustang           Volkswagen:Jetta        GMC:Sierra 1500 2WD 
                       160                        157                        149 
       GMC:Sierra 1500 4WD                Honda:Civic           Chevrolet:Camaro 
                       149                        141                        136 
        Mitsubishi:Eclipse               Honda:Accord   Chevrolet:S10 Pickup 2WD 
                       133                        123                        118 
    Ford:Ranger Pickup 4WD               Toyota:Camry Dodge:D100/D150 Pickup 2WD 
                       113                        113                        112 
   Dodge:Dakota Pickup 2WD             Toyota:Corolla Chevrolet:C1500 Pickup 2WD 
                       109                        108                        106 
      Ford:F250 Pickup 2WD              Nissan:Sentra 
                       106                        106 

Creating the data frame of selected variables

In the values of variable 27 engDscr we remove multiple spaces.

> mmy <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],":",a[[61]],sep="")
> head(mmy)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000:1985" "Ferrari:Testarossa:1985"           
[3] "Dodge:Charger:1985"                 "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD:1985"    
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo:1993"       "Subaru:Loyale:1993"                
> mm <- paste(a[[47]],":",a[[48]],sep="")
> head(mm)
[1] "Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000" "Ferrari:Testarossa"           
[3] "Dodge:Charger"                 "Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD"    
[5] "Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo"       "Subaru:Loyale"                
> ed <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', ' ',a[[27]])
> b <- data.frame(id=a[[44]],name1=mm,name2=mmy,make=a[[47]],year=a[[61]],barrels08=a[[1]],
+ city08=a[[5]],co2TailpipeGpm=a[[15]],comb08=a[[16]],cylinders=a[[23]],displ=a[[24]],
+ drive=a[[25]],engId=a[[26]],engDscr=ed,fuelCost08=a[[29]],fuelType=a[[31]],
+ fuelType1=a[[32]],highway08=a[[35]],mpgData=a[[49]],trany=a[[55]],UCity=a[[56]],
+ UHighway=a[[58]],VClass=a[[60]],youSaveSpend=a[[62]])
> head(b)
     id                         name1                              name2       make year
1     1 Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000 Alfa Romeo:Spider Veloce 2000:1985 Alfa Romeo 1985
2    10            Ferrari:Testarossa            Ferrari:Testarossa:1985    Ferrari 1985
3   100                 Dodge:Charger                 Dodge:Charger:1985      Dodge 1985
4  1000     Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD     Dodge:B150/B250 Wagon 2WD:1985      Dodge 1985
5 10000       Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo       Subaru:Legacy AWD Turbo:1993     Subaru 1993
6 10001                 Subaru:Loyale                 Subaru:Loyale:1993     Subaru 1993
  barrels08 city08 co2TailpipeGpm comb08 cylinders displ                      drive engId
1  15.68944     19       423.1905     21         4   2.0           Rear-Wheel Drive  9011
2  29.95056      9       807.9091     11        12   4.9           Rear-Wheel Drive 22020
3  12.19557     23       329.1481     27         4   2.2          Front-Wheel Drive  2100
4  29.95056     10       807.9091     11         8   5.2           Rear-Wheel Drive  2850
5  17.33749     17       467.7368     19         4   2.2 4-Wheel or All-Wheel Drive 66031
6  14.96429     21       403.9545     22         4   1.8          Front-Wheel Drive 66020
     engDscr fuelCost08 fuelType        fuelType1 highway08 mpgData           trany   UCity
1      (FFS)       2500  Regular Regular Gasoline        25       Y    Manual 5-spd 23.3333
2  (GUZZLER)       4750  Regular Regular Gasoline        14       N    Manual 5-spd 11.0000
3      (FFS)       1950  Regular Regular Gasoline        33       Y    Manual 5-spd 29.0000
4       <NA>       4750  Regular Regular Gasoline        12       N Automatic 3-spd 12.2222
5 (FFS,TRBO)       3000  Premium Premium Gasoline        23       N    Manual 5-spd 21.0000
6      (FFS)       2400  Regular Regular Gasoline        24       N Automatic 3-spd 27.0000
  UHighway          VClass youSaveSpend
1  35.0000     Two Seaters        -1000
2  19.0000     Two Seaters       -12250
3  47.0000 Subcompact Cars         1750
4  16.6667            Vans       -12250
5  32.0000    Compact Cars        -3500
6  33.0000    Compact Cars         -500
> write.csv(b,file="fuelData.csv") 
notes/data/fuel.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/16 21:18 by vlado
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