Noordin Mohammad Top terrorists

Data: - ZIP with original Excel data, the codebook and the Pajek project file


Noordin Top Terrorist Network Data


Data Archive > International Surveys and Data > Single Nation Surveys > Summary

The Noordin Top Terrorist Network Data were drawn primarily from “Terrorism in Indonesia: Noordin's Networks,” a publication of the International Crisis Group, and include relational data on 79 individuals discussed in that publication. The dataset includes information on these individuals' affiliations with terrorist/insurgent organizations, educational institutions, businesses, and religious institutions. It also outlines which individuals are classmates, kin, friends, and co-religionists, and it details which individuals provided logistical support or participated in training events, terrorist operations, and meetings.

Data File
Cases: 79
Variables: 568
Weight Variable: None

Data Collection
Date Collected: 2011
Original Survey (Instrument)
Noordin Top Terrorist Network Codebook

Collection Procedures These data were drawn primarily from “Terrorism in Indonesia: Noordin's Networks,” a publication of the International Crisis Group, and include relational data on the 79 individuals listed in Appendix C of that publication. The data were initially coded by Naval Postgraduate School students as part of the course “Tracking and Disrupting Dark Networks” under the direction of Professor Sean Everton, Co-Director of the CORE Lab, and Professor Nancy Roberts. CORE Lab Research Assistant Daniel Cunningham reviewed and cleaned all coding made by students.

Principal Investigators
Nancy Roberts, Naval Postgraduate School
Sean Everton, Naval Postgraduate School

Related Publications

  1. Everton, Sean F. 2012. “Network Topography, Key Players and Terrorist Networks.” Connections 31(1):12-19.
  2. Everton, Sean F. 2012. Disrupting Dark Networks. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Roberts, Nancy, and Sean F. Everton. 2011. “Strategies for Combating Dark Networks.” Journal of Social Structure 12(2). Retrieved from

Conversion into Pajek format

Since the data are in Excel format we will use for their import the R package openxlsx:

read.xlsx(xlsxFile, sheet = 1, startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE,
  rowNames = FALSE, detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,
  skipEmptyCols = TRUE, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, check.names = FALSE,
  namedRegion = NULL, na.strings = "NA", fillMergedCells = FALSE)
# setwd('C:/Users/batagelj/data/everton/terror/arda')
# data <- 'Noordin Top Terrorist Network Data.xlsx'
# install.packages("openxlsx")
> setwd('C:/Users/batagelj/data/everton/terror/subset')
> data <- 'Noordin Subset.xlsx'
> library(openxlsx)
> (S <- getSheetNames(data))
 [1] "1 Organizations"        "2a Education (Schools)" "2b Classmates"         
 [4] "3 Communications"       "4 Kinship"              "5 Training"            
 [7] "6 Business & Finance"   "7 Operations"           "8 Friendship"          
[10] "9a Religious"           "9b Soulmates"           "10 Logistical Place"   
[13] "11 Logistical Function" "12 Meetings"            "13 Attributes"         

The Excel file contains 15 sheets.

> D <- as.list(1:15)
> wb <- loadWorkbook(data)
> for(s in 1:15) D[[s]] <- read.xlsx(wb,sheet=s,rowNames=TRUE)
> for(s in 1:15) cat(formatC(s,digits=3),formatC(nrow(D[[s]]),digits=3),
+   formatC(ncol(D[[s]]),digits=3),S[s],'\n')
   1   79   32 1 Organizations 
   2   79   25 2a Education (Schools) 
   3   79   79 2b Classmates 
   4   79   79 3 Communications 
   5   79   79 4 Kinship 
   6   79   16 5 Training 
   7   80   10 6 Business & Finance 
   8   79   14 7 Operations 
   9   79   79 8 Friendship 
  10   79    8 9a Religious 
  11   79   79 9b Soulmates 
  12   79   35 10 Logistical Place 
  13   79    4 11 Logistical Function 
  14   79   20 12 Meetings 
  15   79    8 13 Attributes 

There is something wrong with the sheet 7 - it turns out that there is an additional row with a comment: The Novotel Hotel-Surabaya and the Mushroom Processing Co do not have any ties. We remove it from the corresponding data frame.

> D[[7]] <- D[[7]][-80,]

We wrote procedures for exporting different types of data to a Pajek project file:

> saveOneMode2Pajek <- function(F,rel){
+   n <- nrow(F); m <- ncol(F)
+   if(n != m) { cat('*** not one-mode'); return() }
+   cat('*network "',rel,'"\n*vertices ',n,'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) cat(v,' "',rownames(F)[v],'"\n',sep='',file=paj);
+   cat('*arcs\n',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) for(u in 1:n) if(F[v,u] != 0)
+     cat(v,' ',u,' ',F[v,u],'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   cat('\n',file=paj)
+ }
> saveTwoMode2Pajek <- function(F,rel){
+   n <- nrow(F); m <- ncol(F)
+   cat('*network "',rel,'"\n*vertices ',n+m,' ',n,'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) cat(v,' "',rownames(F)[v],'"\n',sep='',file=paj);
+   for(v in 1:m) cat(n+v,' "',colnames(F)[v],'"\n',sep='',file=paj);
+   cat('*arcs\n',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) for(u in 1:m) if(F[v,u] != 0)
+     cat(v,' ',n+u,' ',F[v,u],'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   cat('\n',file=paj)
+ }
> savePart2Pajek <- function(F,u){
+   n <- nrow(F); m <- ncol(F)
+   if(!(u %in% 1:m)) {cat('*** column out of range'); return()}
+   cat('*partition "',colnames(F)[u],'"\n*vertices ',n,'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) cat(F[v,u],'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   cat('\n',file=paj)
+ }
> saveVector2Pajek <- function(F,u){
+   n <- nrow(F); m <- ncol(F)
+   if(!(u %in% 1:m)) {cat('*** column out of range'); return()}
+   cat('*vector "',colnames(F)[u],'"\n*vertices ',n,'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   for(v in 1:n) cat(F[v,u],'\n',sep='',file=paj)
+   cat('\n',file=paj)
+ }

Now we can export the data to a Pajek project file:

> paj <- file("top.paj","w")
> cat('% Noordin Top Terrorist Network Data\n',file=paj)
> saveOneMode2Pajek(D[[3]],"Classmates")
> saveOneMode2Pajek(D[[4]],"Communications")
> saveOneMode2Pajek(D[[5]],"Kinship")
> saveOneMode2Pajek(D[[9]],"Friendship")
> saveOneMode2Pajek(D[[11]],"Soulmates")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[1]],"Organizations")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[2]],"Education")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[6]],"Training")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[7]],"Business and Finance")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[8]],"Operations")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[10]],"Religious")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[12]],"Logistical Place")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[13]],"Logistical Function")
> saveTwoMode2Pajek(D[[14]],"Meetings")
> for(a in 1:8) savePart2Pajek(D[[15]],a)
> close(paj)

We manually (using a text editor) combined all one-mode networks into a single one-mode multi-relational network. We also manually added comments with legends from the codebook.

Notes: It would useful to convert partitions about countries into two-mode networks.

notes/net/lnk/dat/top.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/07 02:45 by vlado
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