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R functions for Pajek's networks

Reading Pajek's net file

July 24, 2017

Using Pajek

The simplest way to transfer a Pajek's network into R is to use Pajek's command

Tools/R/Send to R/Current Network

In R we can use also the following commands:

 Use objects() to get list of available objects           
 Use comment(?) to get information about selected object  
 Use savevector(v?,'???.vec') to save vector to Pajek input file  
 Use savematrix(n?,'???.net') to save matrix to Pajek input file (.MAT) 
     savematrix(n?,'???.net',2) to request a 2-mode matrix (.MAT) 
 Use savenetwork(n?,'???.net') to save matrix to Pajek input file (.NET) 
     savenetwork(n?,'???.net',2) to request a 2-mode network (.NET) 
 Use v?<-loadvector('???.vec') to load vector(s) from Pajek input file  
 Use n?<-loadmatrix('???.mat') to load matrix from Pajek input file 

There are problems with this approach if the node labels contain Unicode characters. In Pajek they are represented by XML entities. For example the label МАКАГОНОВА Н is represented as &#1052;&#1040;&#1050;&#1040;&#1043;&#1054;&#1053;&#1054;&#1042;&#1040;&#1053;. To convert them in R into Unicode we can use the library xml2

> library(xml2)
> xml2utf8 <- function(str){
+   t <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::read_xml(paste0("<x>", str, "</x>")))
+   Encoding(t) <- "UTF-8"
+   return (t)
+ }

Now we can “correct” the network description (suppose that the network is stored in n2 with values from {0,1,2,3})

> N <- unlist(lapply(rownames(n2),xml2utf8))
> rownames(n2) <- N; colnames(n2) <- N

and, for example, visualize the network:

> col<- colorRampPalette(c("white", "black"))(4)
> heatmap(x=n2,col=col,symm=TRUE,cexRow=0.3,cexCol=0.3)

or to get it in vector graphics (SVG)

> svg("PAJheat.svg",width=10,height=10)
> heatmap(x=n2,col=col,symm=TRUE,cexRow=0.5,cexCol=0.5)


For details on matrix layouts se rmat.

Directly reading NET file into R


To read a NET file directly we can use the following code

> S <- readLines("")
> i <- grep("\\*vert",S,
> n <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(S[i]," "))[2])
> SV <- S[(i+1):(i+n)]; Encoding(SV) <- "UTF-8"
> L <- strsplit(SV,'\"')
> df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(L),nrow=n,byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> ind <- as.integer(df$X1)
> N <- df$X2; Encoding(N) <- "UTF-8" 
> trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
> xyz <- trim(df$X3)
> V <- data.frame(ind=ind,name=N,xyz=xyz)
> edges <- toupper(substr(S[i+n+1],1,2)) == "*E"
> m <- length(S)
> if(nchar(S[m])==0) m <- m-1
> L <- trim(S[(i+n+2):m]); m <- length(L)
> T <- strsplit(L,'[[:space:]]+')
> df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(T),nrow=m,byrow=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> df$X1 <- as.integer(df$X1); df$X2 <- as.integer(df$X2)
> df$X3 <- as.numeric(df$X3)
> W <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n)
> for(e in 1:m){
+    W[df$X1[e],df$X2[e]] <- W[df$X1[e],df$X2[e]] + df$X3[e]
+    if(edges) W[df$X2[e],df$X1[e]] <- W[df$X2[e],df$X1[e]] + df$X3[e]
+ }
> rownames(W) <- N; colnames(W) <- N
> dump("W","W.Rdata")

Reading clustering

notes/net/rpaj.1543831964.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/03 11:12 by vlado
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