Project 3

Select a two-mode (2-mode, bipartite) network from the following list or from somewhere else (sources, your own network). The selected network should have at least 200 labeled nodes. To prevent duplication, send a reservation to my e-mail Wait for confirmation.

If the selected network is not in Pajek's format you need first to convert it (example).

Using Pajek, for the selected network:

  1. determine the basic characteristics of the network; top 20 nodes for each mode
  2. determine some interesting link islands for the 4-rings weights and draw them
  3. determine some interesting 2-mode cores and draw them
  4. make a network projection (ordinary and fractional) to the selected mode (set of nodes). In it determine some interesting link islands and draw them

Write a report. Interpret the obtained results.

pajek/ev/pde/p22ce.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/20 20:27 by vlado
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